A Company’s responssiblitiy

As the company grows bigger, there will be more supporters, like macdonalds. However, the company will also make “enemies”, consumers that do not like the company’s product. This force that goes againt giant corporation will change the comapnies’ marketing strategy. This force will lead them to take on the social responsiblity. For instance, Mcdonalds added Salad into the menu. Some critics will say that Mcdonalds is just doing it for the money and set up an image of healthy alternatives at macdonalds. However, if this step also has benefits, it provides healthy alternatives for people who eat Mc Donalds. I always have the feeling that opposition is considered as bad , or out rageous in this society. However, without these forces, without the opossition, the company would not be movtivated to take on social responsisblity. There are always two side of things, but the utlimate goal in a society should not be just about money ,but achieve a fulfilling life.

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