At first when I look at the advertisement of HP 7. I didn’t know what it is. Excuse my ignorance since I was never a fan of Harry Potter, at least in books. However, I am a fan for Harry Potter, in the movies. Most of the movies, including avatar and previous Harry Potter movies, will try to cut out unnecessary parts of the plot and try to fit the entire story in three hours. However, since the film maker knows the popularity of the final movie of Harry Potter, he decides to split the story into two movies. Yes, it is risky, I think so too. If Part 1 the film maker would risk producing the Part 2 as promised. However, this is also what makes Harry Potter 7 so special. If the film maker can successfully make the movie lovers to anticipate the Part 2 of Harry Potter through suspense and mystery, the entire Harry Potter collection is going to be a blast. That would ensure people coming back and watch Harry Potter 7 Part 2.
It is risky , but it is worth doing it =) and everyone loves Harry Potter anyways 😀