Tag Archives: long practicum

Long Practicum Week 4:

This week was also a short week due to the Pro-D Day. It was so nice to see my classmates during the Pro-D Day especially because we haven’t seen each other in over a month! It was a nice time to catch up and enjoy the sun together. We definitely need to fit more gatherings in our busy schedules because it’s so important to have that time to share experiences and reflect on our teachings with each other.

This week we began planting our sunflower seeds for science which was super exciting for the students and myself alike. It has been day 5 as of today and we are all patiently waiting for them to germinate! I really hope they all germinate and grow into little seedlings. It would definitely be a memorable experience. Moreover, I had an observation for my MindUp lesson which went very well and I was super pleased with that. However, I do still need to work on having more Brain Breaks and giving students opportunities to pair share their ideas and thoughts.

I am still having a difficult time handling situations where students have outburst or start crying. I am not sure how to deal with those situations on the spot especially if it’s during my lesson where I am trying to teach. Sometimes, I let the students take a breather in the hallway and then I go and talk to them afterwards. Even then, I am not sure of the best way to approach the situation and what to say to them to make them feel better. I try my best but unsure of how well I am handling it.

As I continue to add more subjects on my teaching list, I become more anxious for teaching 80%. It is approaching so soon and I just hope that I can be well-prepared for all the obstacles that will come my way. I look forward to all the new experiences and learning opportunities regardless of how nervous I am.

Long Practicum Week One:

I cannot believe I have made it this far. I remember back in September when we would be talking about our ten week practicum; afraid and anxious at the thought of it. Well, those feelings became reality this week. I was nervous, excited, and hopeful all at the same time. Fortunately, it went much better than I had expected. The students were excited and joyful that I would be spending ten weeks in the classroom teaching and helping out. Feeling the positive vibes from all the students really made me become more positive about practicum. I taught math every day and got constructive feedback from both my SA’s which helped me improve and enhance upcoming lessons. During my observation from my SA on Friday, I wasn’t very nervous because my lesson was very interactive. I only spent about 10 min giving instructions for the task and for the remaining time, the students were working in groups measuring around the room.

I think I have improved greatly on my classroom management which was a tough obstacle for me. I feel much more confident as a teacher and am able to be more firm yet kind on my expectations rather than letting things slide and escalade. Being able to teach every day in the classroom has had a drastic impact on my teaching which has become apparent to my SA and myself. I am loving the practical experience of teaching everyday rather than the usual once a week. For the next week and following weeks, I hope to improve on my pacing and brain breaks. I feel as though I speak too much and not allow enough time for students to do their work. And sometimes, even if I think my activities are interactive, the students are still sitting down and I have to remember that they get tired of sitting. A brain break is crucial for their learning and it’s important for me to remember to give them that opportunity to take a break.

I look forward to beginning Science and MindUp next week. Week one is officially over and I hope the rest of the practicum goes as smoothly as this week.