March goals

March is going to be a busy month!

Personal goals

  1. Everyday of March, dress presentably unless I’m going to workout before I get home, in which case I can wear gym clothes that day. I don’t care about being a fashionista but I think that putting in the effort to look to put together can help me feel like I’m ready to take on any challenges that the day might throw at me.
  2. Sleep before midnight 5 days a week. I’ve set an alarm on my phone to remind me to get ready for bed.
  3. Work out at least twice a week for at least 20 minutes while other workouts can be under 20 minutes. I’m eyeing Wednesday and Saturday as good days. My old buddies reminded me how I used to be adamant about exercising almost everyday. I prioritized fitness because I wanted to perform my role in my ice hockey team as best I could. I now have new priorities and have to put time in towards those but as I study for my physiology exam, I’m reminded that even if you’re genetically predisposed to type 2 diabetes for example, exercising now just a little and often can delay or prevent diabetes. Prevention is better than cure, especially if there isn’t a cure.

Academic goals

  1. Review what I learned for every class. Best if done the day of but if not (say if I have two midterms the next day and need to sleep early), review the next day. The purpose of this goal is keep me on track with all my classes because it’s so easy to fall behind!
  2. Up the intensity of my studying so that I can end my student “workday” at approximately 5 pm every weekday. That means no studying after 5 pm. This is something that I’m going to have to ease myself into. The purpose of this is cut out “pseudo-work” where I’m supposed to study but don’t get much done.
  3. Study more efficiently during the weekend. This week, I reflected on when I waste the most time and realized that I’m SO awful at being efficient on the weekends.

Extracurricular goals

  1. Blindness and Vision Philanthropy got approved and there’s a LOT to do as President but I’m so excited to work with my fellow leaders to share a meaningful mission. Goals: host a informative first general meeting and (SO excited for this) our first philanthropy event. 🙂
  2. Produce 3rd draft of my play. After hours and editing and some drastic edits,  my second draft was finished this Wednesday and this coming week, my mentors and my peer playwrights will be giving me feedback. Armed with this feedback, I’ll be right back to writing.  My play is on how two siblings cope with the loss of their mother. I cried in public while I worked on this, which shows how much I have to engage emotionally when I work on this piece.
  3. Prepare research conference poster with my team. This research is SO cool because I can see the real life benefits of knowing the results of our research questions. I don’t think I can say more but it’s awesome.
  4. Music Outreach Society is getting a website revamp by the talented Michelle Lam. This philanthropy project has been my ongoing passion for five years now (wow time flies!!) and since the summer, I’m so thankful to have Michelle and Alyssa to carry on hosting the concerts. The two are so passionate about this and really pour effort into coordinating other volunteers, arranging with the music therapists, and facilitating interaction with the seniors because an important aspect of MOS’s mission is to build connections between community members via music! I just set up an outreach concert in March at Southview Terrace and I’m a little disappointed that I can’t be there myself. The seniors at Southview were so nice the last time we had an outreach event there, plus I’d like to meet the coordinator I’ve been working with who seems very sweet. (I worked with someone else last time).  We might also have some new faces volunteering that I would love to meet. Alas I have to be in class. 🙁

What are your March goals?

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