I was estatic to receive an interview invite from a program I think is such an amazing learning opportunitiy and cultural experience. The program allows you to live and learn in an Aboriginal community in BC for a month to be fully immersed in that community and work in an interprofessional team on health promotion projects and job shadow and participate in cultural activities. The combination of healthcare and cultural learning sounds to me like a dream experience.
Alas I was so nervous that I think I gave some rambling answers and likely gave off an impression that I wasn’t calm, cool and collected enough to do a good job. (Really, I said some dumb things) I am disappointed at myself but upon honest analysis, I don’t believe I’m qualified enough yet and other applicants would be much better at serving these communities. Good luck to everyone else
I’m still super interested in Aboriginal Health so I’ll apply again in future!
Any tips on how to succeed at interviews?
Hi Shanna!
I just saw your nice comment on my blog and I just wanted to say thanks!
I really like your helpful advice posts and I’m sure lots of students are finding them helpful as well! Great blog, I love that you post frequently. I look forward to reading more of your posts as well! Keep up the good work 
Hi Shanna!
I love reading your blog – as a first year student going through the same things as you, it’s quite humbling to know I’m not the only one
I wanted to ask you – what was the program you are talking about in your post here? It sounds super interesting!