Will EA ever get it right?



We all have heard the word DLC before (Downloadable Content). Generally when we pay $60 for a product we at least can expect some level of bonus features to come with it, other than the developer commentary. To get at it; we take a jab at the all time favorites EA (Electronic Arts) voted worst company in America twice in a row *claps in the corner*. When we take the Forbes article for a second we can see how, consumers are dissatisfied with the product. If we take into account business ethics, it is easy to see that EA prefers to sell products at an initial price however, they add extra costs to the end product, certain times doubling the price. Lets take a moment to question ourselves over here. Why? How? Did they actually rip us off? Why… well lets take into perspective they are a multi hundred milliondollar company . How… DLC they just keep making us buy it even tough the average consumer doesn’t have that kind of money lying around. Finally, yes they did rip us off. We did just pay $120 for a single video game. For the consumer (the average gamer) we cant always spend about $100 a game, we need money to spend for other things as well.


I am not trying to say that they do this for all products. However, it is most of their products. For this gamers feel cheated when they buy a product from them. Ethically in business this would just be classified as false advertising