Wrapping Up





First off, I would like to congratulate the people who got their acceptance letters from UBC! Well done! If you’ve accepted your offer (and I don’t see why you won’t), you’re going to be in for a ride. The UBC Blog Squad is a really good resource to get to know more about life as a first year and more. Hashtag shameless plug. Hashtag ubcblogsquadforever.

So after 8 months of being lost, doing stupid things, having heart-breaking exam schedules and many sleepless nights, I am done. DONE. Well, not DONE like graduating-from-university-done, but I’m done with first year. I can scarcely believe it. I can still remember the day I left for Vancouver (I cried secretly on the airplane; I think my mom noticed but she pretended not to). I was young(er), and so naive…. Now I’m still fairly young – turned 19!, and I’ve learned so much from my first year in university. Still pretty stupid, though. I had to live in a foreign country all by myself. I had to file taxes (it was painful and I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time). I had to do scary adult-things like pay bills and go to fancy offices and speak nicely. I presented at an academic conference. I ogled some cute guys.

It’s been a year to remember. Sure, it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows and puppies, and I did occasionally want to flip tables and cry my eyes out, but it has been illuminating. I would never trade my first year in university for anything else.

(Unless someone wants to give me a pet dragon. I want a dragon.)

I thought I’d be a little more social and outgoing in university, but umm, leopards don’t change and their spots and stuff. I am a natural recluse. So I spent time outside of classes either working or sitting in my room. I enjoyed my time cooped up in my tiny room, but I suggest you do not do this. I hope I get involved a little more next year… (without having to socialize much… wishful thinking. What can I say, we can’t all be outgoing and energetic. I usually fake it, then run back into the embrace of my bed asap)

Many of my friends in residence are jetting off home, but I am staying in Vancouver. *silent sobs* I miss the food back homeĀ a LOT, and I really want to see my friends and experience crazy driving (if you think the drivers in Vancouver are crazy, you ain’t seen nothing till you head to Asia). I want to bask in face-melting heat and hair-ripping humidity. I want to eat spicy food and see an entire family ride on a single motorbike (this is an actual thing) (PS this is dangerous please do not try it). I want to have oily skin and sweat profusely. I want to finally not have to use a universal adapter to charge my laptop. But nope, I’m staying here, and I’m completely cool with it. I’ll actually be taking two summer courses, so I guess I can blog about that too.

I also need to look for a job. I applied for some Work Learn jobs but they rejected me…… Which didn’t hurt at all. Haha. Ha. ha. SOMEONE PLEASE HIRE ME.


Well, this chapter is now over. (Now I’m going to rest and not study for two weeks before summer school, play some Bioshock Infinite maybe and not think about life). I can’t wait to see what second year holds. I’m already excited. And scared. But mostly excited.

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