The Gringo in Mananaland

Posted by: | January 11, 2009 | Comments Off on The Gringo in Mananaland

The Gringo in Mañanaland

El título de esta película me parece importante. Propongo que la palabra spanglesa (o ‘spanglish’ en inglés) ‘Mañanaland’ tiene algo que ver con la idea de ‘Never-Neverland’ que sabemos de Peter Pan. Never-Neverland es el lugar donde nos podemos esconder de nuestros problemas. Representa un paraíso de sol eterna, un lugar de plentitud (comida, tierra, riqueza, lujo etc.), un lugar donde una persona con poca o gran ambicion se puede realizar …que? … sus sueños. Américalatina como un jardín de edan, viene a la mente. “When you’re hungry, just pick friut from a tree.”
El mensaje de la película es simple: En el cine americano, existe muchos ejemplos de un Américalatina representado como un lugar de exploitación por parte de los capitalistas amiericanos. En la película, los peónes americalatinos son representados (surpise, surprise) como las razas derrotadas y también misteriosas, y entonces ‘fear inducing’. Esto tiene mucho que ver con los peónes que rebelan contra la autoridad de los capitalistas. Una rebelión es la única cosa que puede venir entre los capitalistas y su riqueza. En muchos ocasionces los americalatinos son presentados como trabajadores quasi-esclavo que gana dos centavos por cada cañasta que carga (una persona transporta aproximadamente 300 cañastas cada dia).
Claro que estas condiciones laborales son bastante pesadas pero, en estos pedazos el capitalizmo es presentado como algo mal. Entiendo muy bien que el capitalismo puede causar muchos dificultades, especialmente cuando una compania extranjera esta metiendo su control en un pais subdesarrollado (que occure en americalatina) pero también una entrada de dinero o mercancías extranjeros puede ayudar la economía y también el progreso del pais atrasado.
Como que podemos decir que esta película es una representacion de la realidad? Es cine. Es arte. Es una creación del guionista y el autor. Cada pedazo es una creación cultural que esta basada sin apretar una realidad. PERO diciendo esto … a mi no me importa si estos pedazos representan una realidad o no. These representations – whether they are true or false – were consumed by probably millions of viewers over the years. These ideas, therefore, have been planted into the consciousness of the viewers. Over time, the viewers will eventually adopt these ideas as their own and accept them as truths.

Span404 self introduction

Posted by: | January 11, 2009 | Comments Off on Span404 self introduction

My name is Jordi and I am currently a 2nd year student at UBC.
I am pursuing a BA in arts majoring in Spanish.


Posted by: | January 10, 2009 | Comments Off on Hello…

My name is Alyssa Satterwhite.  I was born and lived most of my life in Portland, Oregon (yes, one of three Portlanders in the class…) I am a twin, which too many people seem to think is extremely interesting… asking “What is it like to be a twin?”.  Word to the wise: don’t bother asking me that question – I will simply ask you, “What is it like not to be a twin?”  I grew up with 3 siblings and many pets, particularly cats and dogs.  I enjoyed Oregon’s most beautiful coast, mountains and lakes while camping, backpacking and sailing every summer.

I work at UBC’s Centre for Intercultural Communication and I am seeking a double major  in Linguistics and Spanish. I plan to be a language teacher.  I am somewhat of a “language nut” – I love learning about languages and forms of communication, having studied not only Spanish, but Hindi, Brazilian Portuguese and American Sign Language, and learned (unabbreviated) Braille.

I learned Spanish both in school (middle/high school), where I learned grammar, and as an exchange student in Costa Rica, where I gained vocabulary and fluency.  I am still very close with my host families in Costa Rica; I have been back twice and will spend this summer there as well.  I am grateful that they are all safe and well following the earthquake on Thursday.

This is the first class on film I have taken; I am looking forward to it.  Already the discussion on Thursday, I thought, was very interesting.  It is easy for many of us to jump to conclusions (e.g. about stereotypes) and it was refreshing to have that challenged and be be exposed to a different (less judgemental, perhaps?) point of view.

Hello world!

Posted by: | January 9, 2009 | Comments Off on Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

About me

Posted by: | January 9, 2009 | Comments Off on About me

I tried to set up a blog in Live Journal, but it wouldn’t let me put long titles in my favorite music of interests. So this is about me:

My name is Mario Fasce. I was born January 5th. I am a second year Arts students that is going to major in Film, psychology and possibly minor in Commerce. I was born in Lima Peru and attended the american FDR school of Lima. Here are some random facts about me that can’t be found on my facebook:

My favorite music: Kings of Leon, Matchbox 20, the killers, Ted Leo & the pharmacists, the hall effect, counting crows, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Houston Calls, Cartel, Daft Punk. Oh and anything that comes out of Disney.
En espaniol: Juan Luis Guerra, Ricardo Arjona, Joaquin Sabina, los autenticos decadentes, pedro suarez vertiz, Daddy Yankee, Wisin & Yandel, Rakim y Ken-y, Los Rabanes, gianmarco, libido, Carlos Baute. .

I dont like onions or lettuce.
I like strawberries and cheesecake.
My favorite food is Ravioli.

Books in English: Harry Potter, Hamlet, Little Dorrit, The visit, Great expectations, Betrayal, The lover, Sleuth.
En espanol: Cien anos de soledad, La casa de los espiritus, Cronica de una muerte anunciada, Yo amo a mi mami, Los ultimos dias de la prensa, Los arboles mueren de pie, La fiesta del chivo, el alquimista (aunque ese libro fue originalmente en portugues).


Posted by: | January 9, 2009 | Comments Off on Introduction

We’re supposed to introduce ourselves…and I don’t really know what to write…My name is Elena, and I’m a music and Spanish major. I guess I’m interested in cinema courses because as a musician I’ve had to analyse/study a lot of different styles of music from different cultures and look at them from different perspectives… and cinema to me is similar to music with all of the many components and layers, except that music is mostly conveyed through sound, and so is cinema, but obviously it is also really visual. Of course there are a lot of other differences, but I can see the similarities too, so on one hand, I don’t think that studying cinema will be much different from what I’m used to (though I could be wrong), but I also know that it will offer a lot of new challenges. Anyways, I guess that’s my introduction for now.

Welcome to SPAN404!

Posted by: | January 9, 2009 | Leave a Comment

Welcome to SPAN404.  On your own blog, please write a brief test post in which you introduce yourself to the class.  You should find that that eventually ends up here…


For SPAN404

Posted by: | January 7, 2009 | Comments Off on For SPAN404

Hola a todos. Me llamo Angell.
I came to Canada as an international student when I was 18 (i know it’s kind of late for language learning though) & studied english and business in kwantlen college, & then I transferred to UBC to study Econ and Span in order to get a bachelor. Although not many Asian students take Span courses, i want to study it because it’s a very useful foreign language in addition to English.
My first language is Mandarin, and although it’s kind of weird to learn a 3rd language through the 2nd language, it helps me a lot because Span & Engl share many similarities. This class might be the most interesting one because i like watching movies 🙂

Gringo in Mananaland

Posted by: | January 7, 2009 | Comments Off on Gringo in Mananaland

My initial thoughts on the film related back to a film class I recently took concerning Hollywood Cinema. As the narrator pointed out in “Gringo in Mananaland,” the reasons for the way Latin America was portrayed were for multiple purposes, mostly in order to engage and excite an audience by depicting a romanticized vision of a foreign world. However stereotypes and perceptions of Latin America have been constructed based upon these simplified portrayals. The problem with stereoptypes persists since the majority of audience members, most likely had no background or lacked familiarity with Latin culture. Therefore the viewer’s understanding of the culture was and is still formulated around these images, skewed facts and perceptions the movies provide their audience with. Although the portrayal of different cultures may be more accurate today, there are still perceptions and stereotypes in which the industry clings to, which may have to do with the audience members’ demographic. In other words, even if the directors or producers of these films had different perceptions of these cultures when some of these earlier films were made, they may have decided to portray Latin America in a overly romanticized way or oppositely, in a negative light in order to appeal to a more conservative audience.
It was interesting how the director decided to steer the audience’s attention by initially intoducing the film’s objectives but with time, the voice-over drops off. This allows for the audience members to formulate their own understanding of these older films perceptions of Latin America. In addition the narrator may have decided to just use images and dialogue to draw upon a certain message without the use of narration because the inaccuracy and portrayal of Latin America and their relationship with the U.S. is still prevalent, even today.
The film emphasized how the U.S. has repeatedly overlooked the people of Latin America as individuals with oversimplified portrayals of Latin America. The erotic depicition of the women of Latin America and as they described, “silly” traditions undermines the culture. The film industry gives birth to these stereoptypes by attempting to package the culture into a neat little box with a bow on top. On the other hand, perhaps initially this was the only way the U.S. could interact and make sense of the cultural differences between itself and Latin America.
Overall it seems that the film is trying to underscore the fact that the films’ portrayal of Latin America and the relationship between the U.S. and Latin America is in corrolation with the way the U.S. has always treated Latin America in real life. All of these films emphasize the U.S. as the more powerful, dogmatic force, which further insinuates the cultural traditions of Latin America as strange, foreign and wrong. The different films’ approach to portray Latin America from the perspective of the U.S. calls to mind manifest destiny.

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