
Welcome to the Sport, Environment, Peace, Media website — a website associated with Professor Brian Wilson and students he works with in the Socio-Cultural area in the School of Kinesiology at The University of British Columbia. Featured on this website are overviews of collaborative projects that group members are working on (or have worked on), brief profiles of current and previous members of the research group, and an overview of Brian’s background and interests. The hope is that this information will be especially helpful for potential graduate students who are deciding whether to be in touch — and for those interested in the activities of our research group generally. For inquiries, you can contact Brian at brian.wilson@ubc.ca. Brian is also Director of the Centre for Sport and Sustainability (CSS) at UBC, and you are encouraged to visit the Centre’s website as well.

If you are interested in socio-cultural research in Kinesiology at UBC, you are also encouraged to visit websites for Andrea Bundon, Janice Forsyth, Laura Hurd, Moss Norman, Patricia Vertinsky, and Liv Yoon.

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