Presentations at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference (NASSS) — Devra, Jesse and Jeanette!

Well done Devra, Jeanette and Jesse  — on your successful presentations at NASSS, that took place November 6-9, 2019 in Virginia Beach, VA !

Here they are:

Devra Waldman, “Aiming for (the) ‘green’: (post)colonial and aesthetic politics and implications of the production of purified environments in the making of a golf-focused community in Gurgaon, India

Jeanette Steinmann, Brian Wilson, University of British Columbia, Lyndsay Hayhurst, York University, Mitchell McSweeney, York University — “Experiences of ‘safe space’: From a bicycle program to the road

Jesse Couture, “Reflections from the ‘Strava’sphere: Preliminary findings from an ethnographic study of a social network for athletes”

Liv and Shawn present at World Congress of Sociology of Sport Meetings in Dunedin, NZ!

Liv and Shawn attended World Congress of Sociology of Sport meetings hosted at the University of Otago, April 24-27 2019. Here are their presentation titles:

Liv Yoon & Brian Wilson, “Attempting ‘Environmental Sport
Journalism’: The behind-the-scenes story of the
documentary Mount Gariwang: An Olympic

Shawn Forde, “Sporting utopias – development, hope, and
alternative futures

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