Mount Gariwang: An Olympic Casualty — documentary film showing on-campus, with Liv, Brian and Jordan Wade of Storyhero Media. Based on Liv’s Ph.D. research and informed by our research group’s work on sport journalism — find details here , and find a review of the event in The Ubyssey here.
Presentations and a documentary showing!
From Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, scholars from around the globe converged in Vancouver for the 39th annual meeting of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport — and Devra, Jesse, Liv, Madison, and Shawn presented! Liv and Brian also had the premiere showing of the documentary ‘Mount Gariwang: An Olympic Casualty’. Click here for details!
New publication by Shawn Forde and colleagues — “A systematic review of sport for development interventions across six global cities”
The article appears in Sport Management Review. Congratulations Shawn!
Liv Yoon receives 2017-2018 Faculty of Education Graduate Teaching Assistant Award!
Congratulations Liv!
Jesse Couture — Elected Graduate Rep for NASSS Executive Board, 2018-2019!
Congratulations Jesse! Thank you for your service to the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS).
Madison Ardizzi – Back from doing ‘bicycles for development’ research in Uganda
As part of her MA thesis research – that is funded through a SSHRC Insight grant entitled “Cycling Against Poverty? Researching a Sport for Development Movement and an ‘Object’ in/for Development” – Madison Ardizzi traveled to Uganda in the Fall of 2017, spending time in Lira, Gulu, Amuru, Tororo, Kadama, Mbale, Jinja, Kampala and Mbarara. Her goal was to learn more about: how bicycles are being used for development purposes in the Two-Thirds-World; the politics and complexities of bicycle-driven development work; assumptions that underlie the use of the bicycles for development purposes; the perspectives of those involved in such bicycle-driven development on their work and industry; and the structure and goals of organizations involved in ‘bicycles for development’ (BFD). Madison conducted 18 interviews while in Uganda with founders, volunteers and beneficiaries from 7 different organizations doing BFD work tackling a range of issues related to, for example, health, women’s empowerment, and sustainable tourism.
To find out more about Madison and her research, visit the Research Group link. For details on the SSHRC Insight grant entitled “Cycling Against Poverty? Researching a Sport for Development Movement and an ‘Object’ in/for Development” – visit
Devra Waldman – Back from doing ‘bicycles for development’ research in Pune, India
In December 2017, Devra Waldman – funded by a SSHRC Insight grant entitled “Cycling Against Poverty? Researching a Sport for Development Movement and an ‘Object’ in/for Development” – spent time in Pune, India with girls and young women who are involved with an NGO that works in multiple villages to equip young girls with the skills necessary to overcome forms of discrimination and exclusion from formal education. One of the barriers to rural girls’ access to education is physical distance between their villages and the closest high schools. With unreliable or unavailable public transport, for most, the journey to high school would be too far to take. Recognizing this barrier, the NGO began a Bicycle Bank – which provided all girls with bicycles in order to help them complete their high school education. Devra interviewed young girls and women who had been recipients of bikes about their experiences receiving and using the bicycles. Devra also began a project with the girls and women that was inspired by digital participatory methodologies, where she asked the participants to take photographs that would represent the range of their experiences with their bicycles. After giving the participants time to take photographs, Devra met with them again — and the participants then shared their favourite photographs and had a conversation with Devra about what the photos represented to them. The goal of this methodology is to centre the girls’ voices and experiences in the research and in the analysis, as well as shift the focus to the bicycle as an object of/for development. The hope is to go back to the villages in the near future to continue this work, with more participants, and over a longer time frame.
To find out more about Devra and her research, visit the Research Group link. For details on the SSHRC Insight grant entitled “Cycling Against Poverty? Researching a Sport for Development Movement and an ‘Object’ in/for Development” – visit