… I can’t believe it’s the last week of classes for term 1 already.

I quite honestly feel like I arrived at UBC, scared, nervous and friendless only a month ago.

Oh, how much has changed since then!

Anyway, this isn’t a long post – more of just a quick hello to let you know I’m still alive, and to apologize for not posting in 2 weeks. Since it’s the end of term, I’ve had all sorts of papers and assignments to do and well.. I’ve just been really busy :s

Finals are next week and it’s safe to say I’m freaking out. I got pretty lucky though… I only have 2 finals and they’re only 2 days apart from each other, meaning I get an extra long Christmas holiday.

Speaking of which, I’m so excited to go home. 12 more sleeps and I’ll be back in beautiful Hong Kong. I’m very very happy to be getting a break soon. I have a whole line-up of things that I want to talk/post about and almost nothing to do, so expect posts from me to be a lot more frequent.

I’m leaving you with a Zeds Dead remix because I’m seeing them tomorrow night and I’m really excited… :D


Tanya  ♡