Upcoming Events: August – September 2015!

Jumpstart 2015!   
Undergraduate International student orLogo_-_Jumpstart23021ientation hosted by the IPS.

A one-week preparation to academic life at and orientation to UBC’s Okanagan campus for new international undergraduate students.

Grad Jumpstart 2015!
Graduate International student orientation hosted by the IPS.
A one-week preparation to academic life at and orientation to UBC’s Okanagan campus created specifically for international graduate students.

Spark Extended Orientation! (Month of September)spark
UBC Okanagan’s five-week extended orientation program designed to welcome back our returning students and introduce our programs and services to New-to-UBC students. It is highlighted by the following week long events:

– Week of Welcome!
– Wellness & Recreation Week!
– Involvement Week!
– Academics Week!
– Diversity & Equity Week!

– UBCSUO Frosh!
Week long activities that welcome students to university living hosted by the Students Union.
It includes concerts, fun activities on the commons and many more!
One of the notable days during this week is:

– Clubs and Course Union Day

A day set aside for all the clubs and course unions on campus setup booths in the academic courtyard so students know what extra-curricular involvement options are available on campus.

* this page will be updated regularly and is not the final list of events for the months of August and September 2015.


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