In response to “Appeal to Authority”

This post is in response to Kevin Wong’s blog post titled the “Appeal to Authority”.

Kevin Wong’s blog post titled “Appeal to Authority” is all about brand credibility, and how we as consumers seek to buy brands that we can relate to something recognizable, such as a celebrity, or with scientifically backed research per say. Kevin does a good job of highlighting the point that a company can add great value, and therefore sales to a product by creating a strong image backed by something like a celebrity endorsement.

Its disappointing to see that much of the modern world is so fixated on buying brands that are considered “socially acceptable” to wear, because a famous celebrity wore them, or one must buy this “new phone” in order to fit in, when there are so many companies, and brands that offer even more excellent products. I wish Kevin had added this to his post, and highlighted the fact that many companies that offer products that are more eco-friendly, more cost effective, and that have a better brand image do not get the recognition they deserve. We as consumers need to be less swayed by what brand images we see around us, and rather focus on looking for new brands, and brand images that can change the trends in what we buy, and how we live.

18. November 2011 by thomasmoult
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