Step-by-Step Guide for School Districts


School District EDI Lead: Roles and Responsibilities

The role of the School District’s EDI Lead is critical to the success of the EDI project.

The EDI School District Lead’s role is…

  • to provide support to the schools in their school district as teachers complete the EDI questionnaire;
  • to act as a liaison between the EDI team at HELP and their teachers.

HELP’s role is…

  • one of consultant and guidance;
  • to provide ongoing support and resources.

EDI CHECKLIST (Download PDF Version)


Step 1: Return signed agreement by October 27, 2023 (Information Sharing Agreement and Letter of Agreement)

Step 2: Register for the training webinars:

» Register for the School District Lead Training Webinar on Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 3:30-4:30pm here.
» Register for the Teacher Reimbursement Webinar on Thursday, February 15, 2024, from 3:30-4:30pm here.

Step 3: Participate in the School District Lead Training Webinar on Thursday, November 2, 2023. Register here.


Step 4: Determine the format for your teacher training.

Teachers new to the EDI questionnaire require training to ensure that high-quality information is being collected. This information is invaluable to your school district as it is reported back. As a school district, you have two excellent options to facilitate this training. Your school district can take the lead on an in-person teacher training session or your teachers can participate in a HELP led webinar. To discuss your options, please contact the EDI Team.

If you plan to lead an in-person training session, you can review the Teacher Training Session Information page here.

Step 5: Distribute Principal and Teacher Packages (Intro Letter, Info Sheet, etc.) by the end of November


Step 6: Receive e-EDI Login Instructions on Monday, December 4, 2023.

Step 7: Send home Parent/Guardian Informed Passive Consent Letters prior to the Winter Break. Click here to download the letter in the appropriate language. You can use this email template for your outreach.

Step 8: Please share the EDI Info Sheet with schools to include on their website, in their school newsletter, and/or on their bulletin board.


Step 9: Teacher Training

» Option 1 – District Hosted Teacher Training: You will be hosting an in-person teacher training session in January or early February. Please ensure that you have adapted the Core Teacher Training slides (email to request this slide deck) for your school district.
» Option 2 – HELP led Teacher Training Webinar: Please send your teachers a reminder to register. You can use this email template for your outreach.


February 1, 2024: Opening date to start the EDI Questionnaire

Step 10: Encourage teachers to complete the EDI questionnaire. You can use this email template for your outreach.

Step 11: Participate in the EDI Teacher Reimbursement Webinar on Thursday, February 15, 2024, from 3:30-4:30pm. You can watch a recording of the this webinar here.

March 10, 2024: Closing date to complete the EDI Questionnaire


Step 12: Complete your Teacher Reimbursement Invoice by March 31, 2024. Download or view the Teacher Reimbursement Checklist here.