Category Archives: notable
Failing Specimen Arbutus Tree
Seven years ago I blogged about an impressive arbutus tree in what was once a relatively untouched part of campus off Agronomy Road near Main Mall. It was a splendid tree, lush, large, and magnificent. The same tree is greatly … Continue reading
Culturally Modified Trees
All along the BC coast and throughout the interior of the province evidence of ancient human practices can be found. One of the most intriguing is the result of the everyday Indigenous practice of harvesting red cedar bark. Cedar bark … Continue reading
Ponderosa Pine at the Ponderosa Centre
The Ponderosa Cafe was a key meeting place for UBC students for at least 30 years. Today, the once busy building has been turned over to UBC administrative activities among other things. You will still find a tiny coffee pit … Continue reading
Arbutus Tree
At the north west corner of Agronomy Road and Main Mall stands a grand old arbutus tree. It’s an impressive example. There are few such trees found at UBC these days -more were likely here in the past. I first … Continue reading