Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blog#1 Topic#2

By Alex Chu 56309131; Christian Zheng 47259130 Blog.  Learning English requires a lot of effort, group work and collaborative learning is a really essential part of it. Group work give us more chance to talk and communicate with each others, … Continue reading

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Blog#1 Topic

By Tracy, Paul, Fred   The differences of cngenital talents between children and adults decide the divergence of their English  learning methods. As for children, their memory is much better than adults’; therefore, they can remember more words and use less energy in a limited … Continue reading

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Blog #1

by Zhang Liping #19049139 , by Aining Yu #58605130   Learning English is necessary in the modern world, whether to adapt this competitive society or for the job positions. In terms of the differences between learning English as a child and … Continue reading

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Blog #1 Topic #3 (Group: Leo&Johnny)

Blog #1 Leo Xi #55875132 Johnny Fang #55617138   Topic #3 What major differences have you notices between learning English as a child and learning as an adult?   Main thesis: learning English as a child is easier because of … Continue reading

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Blog#1 Topic#3

By:Emma, 41788134, Helen 559887135 We find a lot of differences of learning English between children and adults today. First, children regard learning English as entertainment, it’s fresh and interesting to read a “wired” pronunciation. They are curious about a new … Continue reading

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Welcome to EAP 104

This will be your portal to talk to the world about what is going on inside your heads as a result of what is going on inside of our class. Every second Friday, you will be asked to compose, edit, … Continue reading

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