Blog Entry 2-The Politics of Hunting Grizzly Bears – Cassie Liu- #51557130

Grizzly bears are one of these endangered kind of animals facing a dramatically decrease of their quantities. One of the most man-caused issues that closely related to the decrease of grizzly bear’s quantities is the unsustainable hunting. The continuation of the sport hunt in its current form reveals a provincial government sorely out of step with “reality on three fronts – grizzly bear science, economics and public opinion” (Horejsi). The David Suzuki Foundation illustrated that “This is not a sport, it is a senseless slaughter. The trophy hunt goes against every moral teaching that we carry and is disrespectful to our culture and values”(2013). So, the increase numbers of human-caused grizzly bear deaths are directly result from over-hunting. The good news is that there are increasingly domestic and national political organizations take really actions to protect this species, such as the Species at Risk Act (SARA), David Suzuki Foundation, and Coastal First Nations. These environmental groups help people growing awareness of grizzly bear’s living situations, thus being responsible for the circumstances that grizzly bears are in danger. By each of us reducing our environmental footprint and regarding the grizzly bears with knowledge and sympathy, it is hoped that the harmful effect that have done by us could be restored as much as possible.

Work Cited
“Help Protect Canada’s Shrinking Grizzly Bear Population.” David Suzuki Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2013. .

Horejsi, Brian. “Trophy Hunting of BC Grizzly Bears.” Pacific Wild. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2013. .

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Blog 2 About the immigration strike in 2013 [Johnny Fang #55617138]

Blog 2

Johnny Fang #55617138

Topic: The influence about the Immigration Strike in Canada.


During the summer of 2013, employees in Immigration office of Canada started a strike, which mainly about salary increase, and the strike had been spread all the Canadian embassies and consulates around the world. Since the strike have great influence on applying visas for international students, many universities in Canada decided to let part of the students extending their enroll date to January (Canadian Immigrant). As an international student, I also experienced this. My original enroll date is September 4th, for the strike, the date was postponed to January. Personally thinking the strike is quite commonly seen because of the salary, for the commodity prices are rising globally, it has been harder and harder for people to buy things with their previous salaries. Also I cannot make any complaint on this because my late commitment, that’s my own problem.

Works cited

Canadian Immigrants. “Union and Canadian governmentreach deal to end immigration strike.” 2013 October 08. Web. 2013 November 8. n.p.,


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Ping-Pong Door

Leo # 55875132 winson # 57016131 Paul #55446132 Frank #35236132
The crazy invention we found is the Ping- Pong door and it was designed by Tobias Franzel. It looks like a normal door, but its surface designs a Ping- Pong ball table. The door has a swing-out panel that turns the doorway into a mini ping pong table — a multi-purpose object perfect for small spaces. The door has two axises in the middle of door,so it can be rotated 90 degree, when you want to play Ping-Pong. It is a pretty creative invention because it can save space, especially in a office building. Nowadays, people are so busy that they don not have time to do exercises. This invention can provide more chances to them to strength their body and improve their immune system and they will have more fun in home as well.To sum up, the Ping-Pong door is pretty crazy invention, which can save space, help people keep health and have fun.

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A Crazy Invention Called Aireal

Find out through an article about a crazy invention created recently. Why was it crazy? What did your group find interesting? Explain. (150-200 words)

Written by Kevin 57955130 & Chester 45834132

We found on a crazy invention created by a phD student called Rajinder Sodhi from University of Illinois and Ivan Poupyrev from Disney Research(Wilson 2013). This device is

a new low cost, highly scalable haptic technology that delivers expressive tactile sensations in mid air. AIREAL enables users to feel virtual objects, experience dynamically varying textures and receive feedback on full body gestures, all without requiring the user to wear a physical device. AIREAL is designed to use a vortex, a ring of air that can travel large distances while keeping its shape and speed. When the vortex hits a user’s skin, the low pressure system inside a vortex collapses and imparts a force the user can feel. The AIREAL technology is almost entirely 3D printed using a 3D printed enclosure, flexible nozzle and a pan and tilt gimbal structure capable of a 75- degree targeting field (Disney Research 2013).

We think it is crazy because Aireal redefines how we interact with computer while we are playing computer games. When Microsoft revealed Kinetics device which allows computers to catch players motion in the games. Aireal can detect air flowing and modify user interface of computer programs. It is really crazy because it is the first time this kind of device comes out to the market. The game players can play basketball, soccer and have more real feelings. When players see the balls, people can actually feel there is air blowed to their hands. It is quite crazy because we can have fun and enjoy playing ball games at home as if we are in the field.


Works Cited

Disney Research. “Aireal: Interactive Tactile Experiences in Free Air.” Disney Research.                         n.d.       Web. Nov. 8, 2013.

Wilson, M. “Disney’s Crazy Invention Lets You Feel Phantom Objects Floating In Air.” Fast Company. July 19, 2013. Web Nov. 8, 2013.

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Scaring Invention: Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings(Cassie, Christian, Aining)

Recently an invention called Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings really catches people’s attention. This is a kind of silk stocking which is specially designed for young ladies for avoiding sexual harassment. Why it can scare away those lady-killers? The answer is that it creates a crazy visual power and strong disgusting feelings towards people. These kinds of stockings are consisting with normal stockings and fair-covered appearance, just like woman’s legs overgrow with long and dense shank-feathering. Although the Anti-Pervert Hair Stockings are very popular in China, few people would like to wear it, so nobody knows the power of them. In fact, if you hang out with your friends wearing these kinds of scary stockings, you will be ashamed and embarrassed by what you are wearing. Hence, you need to think about consequence before you wearing it!

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Personal Seabird Submarine

Group member: Toby #53665139, Emma ,Rita #45654134
Personal Seabird Submarine
The recent crazy invention that our group would like to introduce is personal seabird submarine. First of all, instead of a bird, the appearance of this submarine is more like a shark, which interests us and makes us decide to choose this topic. As for function, seabird submarine is regarded as a personal vehicle. “If you would like to avoid the busy streets or have a stretch of water completely to yourself what better way than with a submarine”(Slaughter). The submarine uses a rechargeable battery pack which turns a series of electric motors, removing the necessary for fuel. The innovative tow system used in the submarine aims to offer the power of an internal combustion engine to an underwater vessel. With this advanced technique, hype submarine has capability to travel up to speed of 22 knots, which equates to 25mph or 40kh, both on top and under the water surface. In addition, the Seabird can be reduced to a depth of 150ft, 46 meters, and the manufacturer claims that it can be stayed in for 24-72 hours straight.

Works Cited
Slaughter,Jamie.”Personal Seabird Submarine”.Invention Reaction.n.p.,2 Jan.2012.Web.n.d.

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Crazy Invention(Dorothy,Lily)


We find that the “bionic man” is crazy because it is a first-ever walking and talking bionic robot. Bionic man, who has a “real” human face and artificial organs, was showed in Smithsonian’s National Air and space museum and the robot was built by London’s Shadow Robot Co to showcase medical breakthroughs in bionic body parts.The incredible bionic man looks like 1.83 meter and 77-kg. The bionic man looks lifelike with motionless face and no skin. It is limited to a chatbot computer which is same as the Siri in the Iphone. The robot is designed as a 13-year old boy.Although it cost $1 million to built it, this invention explore not only the area of medical helping, but also the new world of technology. I hope this kind of invention can explore more and more, so that our world can be better.

‘Bionic man’ makes debut at Washington’s Air and Space Museum.Reuters.Oct.21,2013.Web.Nov.6,2013

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Increadiable mult-function camera

Group member: Alex, Ashley, Fred

Date: 8th Nov 2013

Student# Alex:56309131 Ashley: 19048139 Fred: 55823132

The technology of camera is improving day by day. Some of them even announced with some crazy and incredible function that you won’t believe it. They can take a clear photo of a bullet or they can take a photo of the hole on the moon.

The distinguish ability of the camera lens are more accurate and clear because the computer can minimize the uncertainty greatly. What’s more, these newest innovative camera can also modify and change the different mode of capture, which will be more suitable for various situation. For example, the present camera allow us to adjust the shutter speed and ISO, which can help us to take the picture of a fast moving object and a picture in a very dark place.

Moreover, one of the most surprising function is the digital camera which has “ a communication link between the hand-held digital camera and the host computer.” (Digital Camera, n.d.). Thus, once people want to display captured images which is stored in the computer, you can be easier to get them by inputting the image data.

Work Cited

Digital Camera. (2012, June 22). Wireless hand-held digital Camera. Retrieved from        



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About Water gun unbrella (Group Mavis, Helen and Johnny)

Blog 1


Mavis: #50595131,

Helen: #55987135,

Johnny: #55617138

Recently it has become a fashion to own something cool. During our research, we found a crazy invention named water gun umbrella. Basically, it is just a simple combination of water gun and umbrella which have nothing in common. Many people think raining is very boring. But with this water gun umbrella, we can have fun during the rainy day. The reason we found it interesting is that it can change people’s mood in raining days. Its working principle is to collect water from a concave top and a tube is installed inside the axle of umbrella. Then the water travels through the tube (Anticlown). The Anticlown gives us a hint that “make sure you wear raining shoes while you are you’re wearing running shoes, because if I get sprayed I’ll take that umbrella and ram it so far up your ass you’ll die of dehydration.” With this water gun umbrella, when the rainy day is coming, we can enjoy our lives in a different way.



Works cited:

Anticlown. “Umbrella Water Gun Wets The Unsuspecting.” Anticlown Media Geeklogie. n.p., October 17 2017. Web. 11/08/2013. n.p.

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Crazy Invention: Wireless charger

Davis Lee 40883134

Tracy Zhang 52663135

Andrew Liang 51869139

Regular electronic devices require wires to get changed. There is a crazy invention which enables to charge electronic devices remotely.  It was invented in China, and it’s called wireless charger.

The function of the wireless charger is simple. It use electromagnetic wave to transmit electrical energy to devices since electromagnetic wave can be the carrier of energy. However, the energy will scatter in air during transmitting. Therefore, scientists use a kind of non-radioactive field to concentrate those energy. Then, the concentrating electromagnetic wave will cause the vibration of receiver so that the receiver will establish current due to this electromagnetic induction.

The biggest advantage about wireless charger are obvious, which is its convenience. People do not need to carry the chargers with them when they are traveling. And also,

It has no corrosion when the electronics are all enclosed, away from water or oxygen in the atmosphere. But it also has some disadvantages, such as lower efficiency and waste heat, cause the implementations use lower frequencies or  older drive technologies charger more slowly and generate heat within most portable electronics ( “wikipedia:

Inductive Charging”).

Lots of inventions have used it, such as Samsung Galaxy S4 cell phone invented by Samsung, and Nexus 5 invented by Google and  LG(“Wikipedia:Inductive Charging”). It will be used in more technology fields in the future.

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