


An Introduction to the Communicative Classroom

In this section, we follow a Beginner 1-2/Literacy class as they learn to communicate on the topic of clothing and shopping. The lesson contains a Warm Up, Review, two Communicative Activities (a Card Game and a Dialogue) and a brief closing activity. Despite the low level of the class, this lesson is very student-centered, with plenty of authentic interaction and creative use of repetition and practice. The students are encouraged to take risks within a safe, respectful atmosphere where mistakes are seen as part of the learning process.

Activity: Warm Up.
This simple warm up practices greetings and small talk with the whole class and then with dyads.

Activity: Review.
The instructor reviews clothing vocabulary using realia, focusing on plurals, pronunciation, intonation and spelling.

Activity: Communicative Activity. Go Fish Card Game.
This card game, played in small groups, practices the target vocabulary in the context of the question “Do you have…?” which encourages the students to use correct structure and pronunciation.

Activity: Communicative Activity. Dialogue (parts one and two).
Now the students are ready to go shopping at “Tanya’s Store”. The instructor first elicits the simple dialogue, focusing on articles, plurals and  correct intonation. The students then practice the dialogue in pairs.

In Part Two, they practice writing the dialogue, memorize it using a disappearing cloze on the whiteboard and finally, perform it in front of the class.

Activity: Closing.
Before leaving for home, the students have to describe to the teacher what they are wearing. This personalizes the vocabulary they have learned and gives them a chance to practice saying goodbye at the same time.

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