Get that groove goin’

Music For Studying

By: Sanjana Akella

Tip # 1

Classical music is peaceful and harmonious making it a good option to listen to when studying. There is evidence that listening to Mozart could improve mental performance. Check out the “Mozart Effect.”

Tip # 2

Listen to sounds of nature such as rain, waves, jungles or animals while studying. While this is not exactly music, it is relaxing and make you feel like you’re in another world.

Tip # 3

Other study friendly music genres – jazz, acoustic, ambient, electronic. Movie soundtracks are great too! Songza, 8tracks and Youtube (for starters) are great sources for study music. Check out The Study Music Project! (

Tip # 4

Productive Procrastination – create a playlist with all your favourite songs in advance to avoid having to search for new songs every 5 minutes. This will save you time, allow you to plan how long your study session will be and help your level of concentration while you study.

Tip # 5

Make playlists that last for 40 to 50 minutes. When the playlist ends, this will act as a reminder to take a short break from studying.

Tip # 6

Listen to music before you go to bed or before an exam. This will make you feel relaxed and put you in the right state of mind.

Tip # 7

While choosing the best music for studying is important, you should avoid spending hours selecting the songs. At the end of the day, what matters is not choosing the best music in the world but that your study is  productive.

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