5 Smart Post-Workout Snacks to help you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

By: K.Sophia O’Connor (Year 3 Dietetics) 

The holidays have come and gone and so have some people’s New Year’s resolutions. This
is the month to decide how determined you actually are to sticking to your nutrition and fitness
goals of 2013. Keep the momentum of January going and make these changes part of your new
healthier lifestyle as opposed to being just a phase.

Whether you are running the trails through Spirit Park, walking with friends, playing intramurals
or dropping into yoga class, your post-workout snack is crucial. After exercising, glycogen stores
and amino acids are depleted so your body needs fuel to replenish these loses and repair muscle

Here is a list of 5 smart, low calorie protein and carb snacks that will replenish your energy postworkout.

Peanut Butter and Banana on Brown Rice Cakes:
Instead of using bread, choose brown rice cakes which not only offer extra fibre but provide
fewer empty carbs and calories. While peanut butter is not only delicious, it provides the body
with protein, essential to post-workout recovery. Including half a banana will not only add some
flavour, but because it is a high-glycemic carb, the uptake will be rapid, kicking post-workout
fatigue out the door.

Recommendations: 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp. peanut butter, and 2 brown rice cakes.
215 calories

Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita:
If you feel like something a bit more substantial, this is a great carb/protein option. Not only is
this snack easy to make, it is inexpensive and keeps well. Hummus is made from pureed
chickpeas, giving you both carbs and protein. The whole wheat pita will provide you with slowrelease energy that will keep you feeling fuelled long after you eat. To change it up, toast the pita
and cut into triangles to dip into the hummus or cut an opening into the pita and load the
hummus in for a snack on the run.

Recommendations: ¼ cup hummus, and 1 whole wheat pita.
275 calories

Protein Shake with Banana:
The most obvious choice of a post-workout snack is a protein shake. However, not all shakes are
created equal and if you’re not careful, you end up consuming way more calories than you
actually burned and some contain excess amounts of sugar, artificial flavours and other
invaluable goods. The best shake you can have, is one you make yourself. Skip all the side
ingredients and stick to the basics. A shake made from whey protein, half a banana and water
provides you with ample protein and carbs and is quick and easy to make.

Recommendations: 2 scoops of whey protein powder, ½ banana, and 2 cups of water.50 calories

Yogurt and Fruit:
Low-fat yogurt can provide you with nearly 15 grams of protein which will replenish the amino
acids depleted during your work-out. Fruit provides carbohydrates and add flavour to the mix.
Try your favourite berries or slice up some mango, banana or even grapes. Switching up the fruit
and yogurt will give you a nice variety of flavours.

Recommendations: 1 8-ounce container of low-fat yogurt, and ½ cup of berries or other fruit
180 calories

You should aim to eat your post-workout snack no longer than an hour after completion and
don’t forget to drink lots and lots of water. Each snack should be chased down with at least 8
ounces of water.

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