Summer is Almost Here!

By Rakesh Dewan

As the sun starts to shine again in Vancouver, nostalgic memories of summer are probably starting to flood our otherwise jam-packed minds. For me, this has recently prompted the question: How can I make this summer awesome?! Well here are some starting tips:

  1. Clean Your Room
  2. Get Outside
  3. Go camping
  4. Make a scrapbook of the summer
  5. Go to the mall
  6. Read a book
  7. Curl up on the couch and watch a movie or two
  8. Play in water
  9. Develop a hobby
  10. Read a book (no not a textbook :P)
  11. Invite friends for an overnighter (yes, this it’s a sleep over)
  12. Use your imagination for something
  13. Go to a yoga class
  14. Listen to music
  15. Get a job…….

As you can see, the list can pretty much be endless…so my question to you is, what are your plans for the summer? Whatever they may be, remember to take some time to reflect on them. This does not mean planning your time day by day, but simply reminding yourself of larger goals that you may want to accomplish this year before heading back to school again or starting up that fresh new job if you are graduating this year. Want to learn guitar? Maybe now is the time. Planning on entering medical school? Maybe it’s time to write the MCAT? Need money for next year? Now would be good time to start applying for jobs!  With that in mind, motivate yourself through exams and relish the sunny weather, and (hopefully) free time to come your way.

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