
I love to train. Not “exercise”, train. Most people don’t really know the difference. In simple terms exercise is physical activity done for its own sake, a workout done for the effect it produces today, during the workout, or right after you’re done. Training, on the other hand, is physical activity with a long-term goal in mind, the constituent workouts of which are specifically designed to produce that goal. Training is a process which, when applied correctly, leads to extraordinary results.

This section of my blog is dedicated to training. You will not find any nonsense discussions about the “latest fads” or “21 Ways to Get Ripped!” here. Instead we will focus on what has been proven to work for decades: basic training principles that have stood the test of time to help you be the best you can be. It is not difficult, but it is hard. Nothing worth having in life is ever easy and training is no exception. What follows in this section will make you awesome. I does not matter what you look like, how strong you currently are, or your perception of your own ability. It does not matter if you are new to training or have been training for years. It does not matter if you aren’t “athletic”. Don’t believe me? Try it and see for yourself.


The Deadlift