Why I Love Physical Education

Physical health is something many people take for granted. The ability to walk, jump, move, and play are seldom appreciated until they’re gone. I know this to be true from personal experience. After having two knee surgeries to repair torn cartilage, and being in a wheelchair and on crutches for many months, I can attest to the validity of this statement. Our health is a gift and we must do our best to be good stewards of what we’ve been given.

In light of this reality, physical education plays a critical role in cultivating an appreciation for all that our bodies have to offer. Physical literacy, the mastering of fundamental movement skills, gives us the confidence and competence to move efficiently. These abilities are developed over time and require much refinement during the early years. This is why physical educators are needed. By taking the time early on to hone fundamental movement patterns, children will be better equipped for success later in life. Lifelong participation in physical activity is only possible through the efforts of those who regard its importance as something to be valued.

Physical and health education (PHE) is far more detailed than simply rolling out the sports equipment in “gym class”. It is here that students learn strategies to promote and enhance their health and wellness. PHE inspires a lifelong commitment to healthy living and equips students with the knowledge for success in the future. It is my privilege as a physical educator to inspire and guide young learners in their journey towards a more rewarding life.