Bag Full of Condoms

When I was presented with the opportunity for a free AMS First Week Bag in return for blogging about my experiences, my reaction was, “HELL YEAH!” After all, from where else am I supposed to get a package of ten condoms for free? (I’m just kidding; the only thing going down on me are my grades.)

Aside: I will probably be receiving an email in the near future about keeping my posts PG-13.

Anyways, throughout the next week or so, I will be reporting on my experiences at Farmade, Yoga at the Nest, and the AMS Welcome Back Barbecue. Although I am typically apathetic to large gatherings, university, as every older student/faculty member/inspirational speaker has told me so far, is about stepping outside of comfort zones. Personally, I interpret this statement as the cliche rambling of someone speaking based on only their eventual success, but I suppose, “Life will suck until you grow a pair,” is not a quote that should be bellowed in a school auditorium.

Furthermore, I see these events as opportunities to explore possible interests. Farming and yoga are, unfortunately, not yet an integral part of my life. Gardening, for me right now, is pruning and watering my Venus Flytrap; and yoga is a gateway to the deeper recesses of my mind, which is a dark and scary place. Hopefully, in the coming week, I will experience enough to be able to make informed decisions about what possible interests I should continue to pursue.

With The Spark (Sauder orientation weekend), a new job at UBC Press, an endless list of First Week events, and new Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers videos being posted every day, my life is hectic AF. Let’s just hope that the start of my university life goes better than the Republican National Convention.

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