Star Wars : A Carefully Orchestrated Plan from Disney

Star_Wars_The_Force_AwakensDisney is unleashing the power of the Star Wars marketing force as seen with the release of yet another trailer for Star Wars : The Force Awakens. The film, which will be released on December 18th this year, has already generated a lot of hype from Disney’s carefully thought-out marketing plan.

Disney has planned and calibrated their plan to reveal enough just to get you excited, but not enough to spoil the surprise leading up to the actual film. It seems that everything they have been doing has been carefully constructed to get fans more and more excited before the release of the film.

By looking at the timeline below, we can see that Disney has clearly thought out the release of everything Star Wars related:

  1. May 2014 : Star Wars Animated Series
  2. November 2014 : Launch of 1st Trailer
  3. April 2015 : Launch of 2nd Trailer
  4. July 2015 : Star Wars free apps on Appstore
  5. September 2015 : Star Wars introduces new merchandise and toys
  6. October 2015 : Launch of 3rd Trailer
  7. November 2015 : Star Wars : Battlefront video game

Their strategy it seems, encompasses all forms of marketing, from traditional to digital, which aims to target all generations and channels that fans consume their content from. And based on the success of their advance ticket sales, Disney’s marketing plan seems to be getting a lot of things right.

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