Reflections on the Creation of LinkedIn Profile:

Creating a professional social media network is very different from creating other social media profiles.

Below are just a few things I have learned from creating my LinkedIn profile:

  • The picture needs to be professional and appropriate; this requires specific photos be taken for such events.
  • It is actually pretty challenging to describe previous roles in a quantifiable way so that readers can know exactly what your contribution is to your team
  • Having a peer review on the profile really helps visualize the problems you may not see yourself.
  • Overall the exercise was very helpful. Having already set up a basic profile we can easily maintain it and update it as we go along in our professional careers. The first step is always the hardest and now it is done.


Reflections on Brainstorming & Preparing Report Proposal & Outline:

  • I think being asked to do the outline was very helpful for adjusting the report. This allows me to visualize what’s the right scope and audience much more
  • I made some amendments to the project proposal based on feedback and the changes in the outline.

Revised Project Proposal


Reflections on Peer Review:

  • I think this is the most helpful feature of this course. When we just receive feedback from instructors, we might not understand where the comment is coming from. But when we have to give feedback to teammates, it helps us think about our own writing and how to adjust it accordingly.
  • In other words, peer reviews provide us with a different perspective.