I have survived the first unit of the course!

Technical Definitions Assignment:

  • I picked a subject that is relevant to my experience, and very useful to managers for making decisions.
  • To complete the topic, I researched a lot of sources and learned quite a bit about the subject through my research.
  • I was unable to complete a peer review as I was ill and under quarantine in China… I am deeply apologetic for it but also somewhat relieved. I feel like it’s always difficult to review other people’s work because it is hard to give constructive feedback sometimes, particularly over words as it can come off as being overly harsh. The reader may be offended and respond in a very defensive way.
  • The revised definitions assignment can be found here. The peer review from Di Fei Su is available here.
  • As there was not a lot of things to edit, I have made minor updates only on my original post. One thing I did specify was the intended target audience as I do agree with the peer review on the need to clarify.