R Studio – Effects of Warming on Tundra Plant Species

# Effects of Warming on Tundra Plant Species
# Date: March 15, 2017
# Author: Annie Fang
# Desc: GEOB 307 LAB UBC

# STEP 1: Download and Load the Data into R

# Personal File Location
# /Users/anniefang/Desktop/GEOB_307/Lab/Assignment_2/R/assignment2.R

# Data name
# data12


# Data Location
# /Users/anniefang/Desktop/GEOB_307/Lab/Assignment_2/R/Data/data12.csv

# Load Data into R, comma separation
data12  gives you the first 6 rows of the dataframe
# tail() -> gives you the last 6 rows of the dataframe
# str()-> gives you the data type in each column of the dataframe
# You can also view the entire table using the functionView(). 
# Here you should see the x variable “Treatment”, where OTC (warming) 
# is the experimental treatment, and then control. LvNewDOY, LvSenDOY, 
# FlMatDOY and FlCapDOY are unadjusted phenological variables.


# Check to make sure the x variable “Treatment” is of the type factor (you can see this using str()).
# If it is, you’re good to go. If it is not, recast it as a factor, using the function as.factor()
# note - it was already a factor, but i wanted to do this part anyways.


# Factor w/ 2 levels "Control","OTC": 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 ...

# recast variable as a factor

# place factor variable back into the dataframe
data12$Treatment  changes the line colour. 
# You can specify this with words, e.g. “red” 
# lty -> changes line type. Y ou can specify this with a number, e.g. 2
# lwd -> changes line width. Y ou can specify this with a number, e.g. 2

     breaks = 15,
     main = "First Leaf: Dryas integrefolia",
     xlab = "Days After Snowmelt")
abline(v = mean(data121$LvNew),
       col = "red",
     lty = 2,
     lwd = 2)

# 4) Split the data into 2 groups to examine it separately for each treatment. 
# Do this using the following commands
# control  this should just be the labels for control and OTC 
#       Means  this should be the means calculated for each group
#       SE  this should be the errors cacluclated for each group
# To calculate the mean, use a the built in function: 
#       mean()
# To calculate the standard error, create a user defined function (we did this last week too), 
# using the knowledge that
#       Standard Error = Standard Deviation / (Number of Observations)^0.5
# Hint: Standard Deviation can be calculated using the built in function sd()
# Once the vectors are defined, combine them into a dataframe, and then print the dataframe.

##### LvNew Variables #####


# LvNew control mean = 7.909091


# LvNew control standard error = 0.5055838


# LvNew OTC mean = 7.695652


# LvNew OTC standard error = 0.6235889

# Create LvNew Dataframe
Treatment  changes the colour. You can specify this with words, e.g. “lightgrey” 
#       pch -> changes point type. Y ou can specify this with a number, e.g. 20

# Boxplot of LvNew
        main="First New Leaf",
        ylab="Days After Snowmelt",

# Boxplot of LvSen
        main="First New Senescing Leaf",
        ylab="Days After Snowmelt",

# Boxplot of FlMat
        main="First Mature Flower",
        ylab="Days After Snowmelt",

# STEP 5: Fit a Model

# 1) First try fitting a model without variable transformation. Do this using the following command: 
#       mod1  plots the residuals
#       qqline() -> plots a line for comparison
#   b. A histogram of the residuals. As before, use the following function, applied on the
#      residuals this time, not the data.
#       hist()

# Isolate Residuals for LvNew - Dataframe: data121

# Isolate Residuals for LvSen - Dataframe: data122

# Isolate Residuals for FlMat - Dataframe: data123

# Plot the Quantile-Quantile Plot for LvNew - Dataframe: data121

# Plot the Quantile-Quantile Plot for LvSen - Dataframe: data122

# Plot the Quantile-Quantile Plot for FlMat - Dataframe: data123

# Histogram of the Residuals for LvNew - Dataframe: data121
     main = "Histogram of Residuals",
     xlab = "Residuals")

# Histogram of the Residuals for LvSen - Dataframe: data122
     main = "Histogram of Residuals",
     xlab = "Residuals")

# Histogram of the Residuals for FlMat - Dataframe: data123
     main = "Histogram of Residuals",
     xlab = "Residuals")

# 3) IF THE YOU HAVE NON-NORMALITY, a way to deal with it is to apply transformations to your data, 
# specifically to your response variable. Then re-fit the model, and check assumptions again 
# (i.e. steps number 1 and 2 of this section). Some classic transformations include the following functions
#       log() -> Natural logarithm transform
#       log10()) -> log10 logarithm transform
#       sqrt()-> Square root transform
#       exp()-> Power transform (inverse of log transform)
# A simple was of doing this is the following example:
#       mod2 F)
#       Treatment 1 178.96 178.959 16.712 0.0001772 ***
#       Residuals 45 481.89 10.709
#       ---
#       Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
# (If you used the Wilcoxon test of differences, the anova function won’t work. 
# Just print out the results using the name you assigned to the model, so in this case mod3. 
# This will give you a p-value.)
# Overall variance is much smaller than treatment variance (F = 16.71, p < 0.001). 
# This means that the difference within groups is small compared to the difference between groups.
# Therefore, we can reject H0 (that there are no differences) and accept Ha (that there are large 
# differences between the groups).
# We also want to consider our means. In our control plots, how many days after snowmelt did the 
# first leaf appear? How about in the OTC plots? Is this difference in means significant? 
# In this example, it is (p < 0.05). # ANOVA Table for LvNew anova(modnewtrans) #Analysis of Variance Table # Response: log(LvNew) # Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Treatment  1 0.0052 0.00522  0.0208 0.8863
# Residuals 32 8.0478 0.25149 

# Analysis of Variance Table
# Response: log(LvSen)
# Df  Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Treatment  1 0.00701 0.0070066  0.4504 0.5073
# Residuals 30 0.46667 0.0155557  

# Analysis of Variance Table
# Response: log(LvSen)
# Df  Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Treatment  1 0.02012 0.020116  1.1534 0.2935
# Residuals 24 0.41858 0.017441  

# ANOVA Table for LvSen

# ANOVA Table for FlMat

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