Integrating Sustainability into a Course

This work in progress is intended to provide guidelines for integrating sustainability into a course.

Pilot: Integrating Sustainability into a Course (Biology 321 – Morphology and Evolution of Bryophytes)

– Transforming Sustainability Education: Desired Student Attributes and Pathways for Implementation, USI Teaching Learning Office, UBC:
– UBC Sustainability Initiative –Three pillars

1.  Identify Big Ideas that apply to your class
Examples can include:
(a)  Definition of Sustainability
(b)  Global Issues that relate to course content
(c)  Regional and/or Local Issues that relate to course (opportunity for CSL projects)
(d)  Course specific Ideas that relate to sustainability (Roles/uses of Bryophytes, Importance of Herbaria and Collections, etc)
(e)  Sustainability Focused Activity
(f)  Communicating Sustainability

2.  Outline Topics that relate to each Big idea.  Pare topics to those that could potentially apply to the course. Customize topics.

3.  Develop Learning Objectives that support intended outcomes.

4.  Plan modes of Delivery (Activities, Discussions, Lecture, Assignments, Readings, etc).  Identify areas of overlap.

5.  Identify the Sustainability Attributes and Pillar(s) addressed in each category.

6.  Assess Attributes/Pillars coverage.

7.  Integrate Sustainability Learning Objectives in with rest of course Learning Objectives and Content.

Working Document for Biol 321