This is the main course webpage for Political Science 369A with Robert Crawford, Instructor Political Science/Arts One. This course does not yet have an active Canvas page, but lecture slides and other material will be posted to here. This site contains essential course information and can function, if you wish, as host for your required course blogs.
About me
I have a PhD in Political Science (UBC 1995) and specialize in International Relations and Political Philosophy. I have taught in the department of Political Science and Arts One since 1995, and am a past program chair. In 2007 I won a Killam teaching prize, UBC’s most prestigious teaching award. Areas of teaching and research include the role of nationality in framing the theorization and teaching of International Politics, the connection between the spread of multinational corporations and American values and policy objectives, and the political dimensions of literary classics.
I hold regular office hours on Tuesday 1-2pm in Buch C 322, and Thursday 1-2pm in IBLC 374. I am also available by appointment most Wednesdays or other times subject to my teaching schedule.
My Arts One Office: IBLC 374; My Political Science Office: Buch C322
My email:
The TA for this course is Lilit Klein and her office hours will be held Tuesdays, 10 to 12, Brock Hall Annex (1874 East Mall), Room 152B; these hours will begin later in the term and you will be notified when these consultation hours begin