
Fiji Water Girl vs. Fiji Water Business Practices: Which Deserves more of our Attention?

Fiji Water is more than just the trendy artesian water it wants consumers to believe it is. Around since 1996 and now part of The Wonderful Company (makers of POM Wonderful, Wonderful Pistachios, amongst other “wonderful” products), Fiji Water has carried a pristine bottled water reputation, more expensive than other bottled waters. Mostly under the radar when it comes to news about MNCs, Fiji Water received great publicity and fanfare after this year’s Golden Globe Awards in January sparked a viral moment thanks to the “Fiji Water girl”. The model, hired to showcase Fiji Water on the red carpet, appeared to photobomb numerous celebrity photos leading to plenty of internet reactions and what one marketing group estimated a total of $12 million in brand exposure. As mentioned in my previous blog, MNCs love this kind of viral  attention – it’s free marketing for them. Of course, this kind of press can also serve as a useful distraction from an MNCs shadier practices.

In this case, Fiji Water ought to be examined in how it practices business in Fiji. For years, the company bottled water in/from Fiji employing Fijians. However, in 2010 after the Fijian government enacted tax hikes on MNCs extracting water in Fiji, the company threatened to leave for New Zealand. This is a classic move MNCs make. Fundamental in the difference between MNCs and states as actors in the international political economy is the relative mobility MNCs enjoy. That is, if they dislike the policies in a host or home state, they can move. States cannot move. Somewhat surprisingly, Fiji Water acquiesced and remained operating in Fiji despite the tax hike. However, that is not the full story. Fiji Water has also been accused of being complicit in a strict and repressive military government in power in Fiji while also restricting local access to its water source leaving Fijians to drink dirty water.

These kinds of business practices are absolutely not limited to Fiji Water. Exploitation and authoritarianism tolerance in the developing world by MNCs marketing primarily to the developed world is commonplace. While regulatory work ought to be done on international business practices, prospects of that actually happening look bleak with the capitalist, neoliberal system in place. We as individuals certainly have more power than we think to affect systems-change, but that still requires mass mobilization. In the meantime, conscious consumerism is important to recognize the MNCs practicing shady business. When considering sharing the viral Fiji Water girl moment with our networks, we ought to think twice.


MNCs and Personhood: Can We See through the Blurred Lines?

The Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad (1886) Supreme Court case in the United States established the legal personhood of corporations and paved the way for a friendly environment in which MNCs emerged over the next century plus. That has led to a United States where corporations have great influence in society and face little accountability – only buoyed by another Supreme Court case, Citizens United vs. F.E.C. (2010) which allowed for virtually limitless corporation spending in elections based on the freedoms they enjoy as “people”.

This offers much to discuss, but I want to focus on another element of corporate personhood. That is, the tendency by MNCs displayed en masse to attempt to “humanize” themselves. This tendency is further perpetuated by the Internet age where social media and popularity of “viral” videos permeate society. Examples of MNCs operating in this field can be observed in how MNCs choose to participate in holidays like the very recent April Fool’s Day and in the way their social media presence has developed and evolved. Each year, countless MNCs engage in April Fool’s gags often involving the unveiling of a fake new product and marketing campaign to come with it. The real marketing comes from the viral potential of these pranks that garners attention and – as the MNCs hope – good will from the public. While these attempts often backfire, it is clear the idea behind participating in April Fool’s Day is a bid to foster a more personal relationship between company and consumer. The same can be said when considering how MNCs have trended in their social media presence. Especially on Twitter, there has been a trend for MNCs with an account to adopt a humanized persona when tweeting. Rather than using “we”, the first-person “I” is being used more often as accounts attempt to strike a similar tone to individual Twitter users. Wendy’s and Netflix consistently achieve viral moments through this new approach to MNC social media presence.

While these accounts are certainly amusing at times, it is important to understand the real intention behind them. As we know, MNCs bottom line is about profit – and how to maximize it. This approach to marketing is an attempt to blur the lines between company and consumer. If we see Wendy’s as the funny and relatable Twitter account rather than the huge fast food corporation it really is (and all the unseemly activities that come with that distinction), we are likely more inclined to frequent Wendy’s. We should thus view these tactics with skepticism and consider how appropriate engaging with MNCs online is when it is clear the sole purpose is to get us to spend more money and continue to act as loyal consumers.