
Hello! My name is Andree Coschizza, and I am a fourth year student pursuing a B.Sc Physics with a Minor in Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia. My degree focuses on general physical phenomena (eg. classical and quantum mechanics, solid state physics, physical modelling), and kinesiology courses more focused in human mechanics. Upon entering university, I knew I wanted to use sciences to develop technology and help others, but I was unsure of which direction to pursue. As a result, this blend of courses allows me to explore two different career paths and see how I can use my knowledge of both subjects to create new and exciting technology.

I love to explore new areas of physics, and enjoy collaborating with others and exchanging ideas. Through STEM research, I am passionate about making the world a better place and am always intrigued by smart and creative technology. In my free time, I like to go on adventures, read in coffee shops, dance, and listen to podcasts.

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