The Web Folio Process

I have to admit, I struggled a little bit with creating my web folio. I have have no experience with web design (as I’m sure is evident in my site), but I did the best I could! I would say my strengths lie much more in writing.

I found it a bit tedious to have to revise all my previous work and then upload it all to the site, but I can understand why it’s so important. Revision is so important, not just for school, but life in general. Everyone should always strive to put their best foot forward, and that often means checking your work twice and applying new things you have learned. 

Outside ENGL 301, I’m not sure if I would like to advertise this web folio. I think if I did, I would need to try to figure out how to use WordPress a little better, and educate myself more on web design. I do feel that I picked up a lot of new skills from this course that I could use outside of it though! For example, I learned how to craft emails, letters of reference, letters of transmittal, conduct peer reviews, surveys, and research, as well as create formal reports! It’s actually quite astounding the amount of skills I learned in such a short amount of time and as someone who’s curious about business and marketing, I can’t wait to apply them outside ENGL 301. 

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