Reflecting on the Design

I’m quite happy with the way the site looks right now. Is it on par with some professional sites that I’ve seen? Of course not. But I do feel that the basic design reflects me. As someone who wants to move into the field of writing, content creation, and digital marketing, I wanted a site that was a bit more whimsical and colourful. It feels like an extension of my personality and compliments my work that showcases my creative intent.

I struggled a bit with the design though, because as much as I wanted to create something fun and playful, I do wonder if it borders on juvenile. I made a tough call here, and decided to stick to my guns. If I were more interested in a career in research or sales, I would have probably chosen more muted colours. But I’m not!

The Web Folio Process

I have to admit, I struggled a little bit with creating my web folio. I have have no experience with web design (as I’m sure is evident in my site), but I did the best I could! I would say my strengths lie much more in writing.

I found it a bit tedious to have to revise all my previous work and then upload it all to the site, but I can understand why it’s so important. Revision is so important, not just for school, but life in general. Everyone should always strive to put their best foot forward, and that often means checking your work twice and applying new things you have learned. 

Outside ENGL 301, I’m not sure if I would like to advertise this web folio. I think if I did, I would need to try to figure out how to use WordPress a little better, and educate myself more on web design. I do feel that I picked up a lot of new skills from this course that I could use outside of it though! For example, I learned how to craft emails, letters of reference, letters of transmittal, conduct peer reviews, surveys, and research, as well as create formal reports! It’s actually quite astounding the amount of skills I learned in such a short amount of time and as someone who’s curious about business and marketing, I can’t wait to apply them outside ENGL 301. 

Reflecting on my Peer’s Formal Report

Unit 3 reflection blog

I just reviewed my peer’s formal report and I’m realizing that I need to step up my game! I definitely need graphics that illustrate more of my findings and definitely would like to make it a little prettier. Doing the peer review made me realize that my report also needs to be a bit more thorough! 

Researching my topic was really eye opening for me because I realized how a lot of other AMS services are struggling with the same issue Vice is facing. Everyone wants their own voice, their own platform, and their own identity. But it’s hard for AMS to to open up to the idea of having small brands within a large one, which is completely understandable. The process has taught me that I need to truly consider both sides- Vice and AMS’s. Both have valid reasons, but it’s about doing what’s best for the services and reaching as many people who may need the help as possible. 

Organizing the report was a bit difficult at first because I couldn’t figure out which sections should be grouped together. Should I have services only section? Divide it by social media platform? I may still tweak my final report… 

Writing the report was interesting because I saw all my research and ideas laid out on paper. It really helped me organize where I wanted it to go and how I wanted it to read. I realized that I was being a bit aggressive in my push for Vice to control all it’s marketing, and I’ll definitely tone that down a bit more!

formal report draft

Reflecting on my LinkedIn

Unit Two Blog Reflection


I’ve always known the power of LinkedIn, but was always too afraid to create one. The thought of having to go over my previous work/volunteer experience and lay it out was terrifying, because it would force me to confront the fact that I hadn’t done a lot throughout undergrad. Once I started though, it wasn’t as scary as I thought. I actually realized that although I didn’t have the ideal profile I wanted, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I also realized how many of my peers had similar profiles. I’m glad to have done this assignment. It forced me to do something I’d been putting off for literally years. I now see that LinkedIn is an important tool and research for job hunting; something to me mastered, not ignored.

Creating a professional network was probably even more daunting than creating the actual profile itself. Initially, I didn’t want to connect with anyone because I didn’t want people to see what I was and wasn’t doing/accomplishing. Fear of judgement has always been a big issue with me, but again, this assignment forced me to get over it and acknowledge that we place a larger weight on people’s opinions on us than is actually true. People don’t care as much as we think. My network is tiny, but I’m eager to keep connecting. It’s also made me wish I had started my profile years ago.


I found the brainstorm process quite easy because the problem I am addressing means a lot to me. It’s something that I spend a lot of time thinking about, so I found that I had a lot of ideas for the proposal and outline. I think my progress so far has been quite good. I really like how the assignments force you to think about things logically, rather than just sending us out into the world with a general “find a problem and create a report”. I appreciate the structure of each assignment and I think it’s helped keep me on track with the report.

I have yet to read the section of the textbook that discusses the actual formal report, so I am curious as to how all this research and writing will come together. I don’t have any specific questions about it yet though.

Peer Review

For my partner Joyce’s peer review, I learned that it’s important to provide helpful criticism, but in a positive way. I had to learn to say what I wanted to without sounding overly negative. Although I think I struck quite a neutral balance, as I reflect back, I would have liked to be a bit more optimistic and less blunt in my recommendations.

I have also learned that my writing needs to be a bit more concise. Simplicity is often best and I sometimes convolute my work with unnecessary phrases.

I wouldn’t say I’ve been surprised by what I’ve read, but I am intrigued. It’s been interesting to get a glimpse into other people’s backgrounds and majors.

I actually think peer review has given me more confidence in my writing. I’ve received quite positive feedback, which is really amazing. I feel like I’m able to write with a certain sense of authority, rather than uncertainty. It’s just a nice boost, because I’m someone who’s always second guessing themselves.

Revised Report Proposal: REVISED Research Proposal for Formal Report

Peer Review:

Reflecting on my Definitions Assignment

Reflection of Unit One

Through the process of peer review and editing my definitions, I was able to clarify my original writing and expand on under explored excerpts. 

First Definitions Assignment 

Choosing the right amount of information for each definition was more difficult than I anticipated. Putting myself in the shoes of a novice reader was challenging because I wasn’t sure if I was using jargon or if I was describing the definition enough. I struggled to figure out whether my definitions were actually helpful or if they were just as hard to grasp as the term itself. 

I learned that writing in concise, simple language is much more difficult than flowery, overdone language. And that simplicity is powerful.

Peer Review

Initially, it felt quite odd combing through someone’s work. I enjoy writing, but I wouldn’t say I’m advanced enough to actually provide critique. I did enjoy reading Usman’s definitions, as it brought me back to my time as a science student. I felt lucky to have already had a general idea of what genetic drift was. 

This peer review process really taught me how difficult it can be to break something down and construct it in a way that’s digestible for novice audiences. 

Revised Definitions Assignment 

This assignment really taught me how important it is to have a fresh set of eyes look over your work. When I finished the original definitions assignment, I was so sure I had deconstructed what Podplays were, but after receiving Usman’s Peer Review Report, I realized how I had failed to thoroughly explain certain aspects. 

This is actually quite relevant for my projects outside this class. As an aspiring writer, I tend to send my work off without peer review. This assignment has shown me how crucial it is to have someone look over your writing, because you never know what you may have missed. 

I found this week’s assignments extremely helpful. I will definitely be incorporating more peer review into my projects and will always try to consider more novice readers when writing more complex pieces. 

Here is a link to my original Definitions Assignment: Revised definition

Here is the link to Usman’s peer review of the assignment:

Writing Team Email 3

Hi Joyce,

I wanted to reach out to you regarding the writing teams. I’ve heard back from Brenda and Usman and I wanted to confirm that we’re in a team together. I really admire that on top of working as an Intermediate HR analyst you’re taking the time to further your education! I think it’s so important to continue learning, even after graduation. I think we would make a great team because of your experience with creating customized reports and from what I gather, you must have quite the analytical mind. I, on the other hand, struggle with more analytical, formal writing. However, I am quite creative, so I think our skills would complement each other! Oh, and I’m also a huge TV binge-watcher!

Thank you and hope to hear from you soon,


301 Adrienne Yap Application letter

Writing Team Email 2

Subject: ENG 301 Writing Team
September 17, 2019

Hi Brenda,

I wanted to reach out to you in regards to the prospective ENGL 301 writing team. I just received an email from Usman Zahoor and we’ve partnered up, and I’d also love to team up with you as well! I see from your blog that you have a plethora of incredible experiences and that we also seem to have complementary skills. You mentioned in your letter of application that you are not a strong editor, I believe that is something I could help with. As I outlined in my letter of application, I am very detail-oriented when it comes to writing and editing. I also think your ability to meet deadlines is an absolute asset and would complement my tendency to over-analyze my work to the point of delay!

If you think we would make a good team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

Best Regards,


301 Adrienne Yap Application letter

Writing Team Email 1

Subject: Re: ENG 301-writing team
September 17, 2019

Hi Usman,

Thank you so much for reaching out! I read your blog and I agree, we certainly have complementary skills. As a psychology student and creative writer, I find myself lacking in more analytical writing experience, so I can appreciate your background in biology. I think that with my more abstract style combined with your technical skills, we would make a great team!

Best Regards,
Adrienne Yap

301 Adrienne Yap Application letter

Email Memorandum


To: Erika Paterson
From: Adrienne Yap, ENGL 301 Student
Date: Sept, 17, 2019
Subject: Letter of Application Posted

Dear Professor Paterson, 

I wanted to inform you that my letter of application has been posted to my blog. 

This memo includes a summary of my letter of application:

  • My professional interests
  • My experience and interest as a creative writer and social media manager
  • My strengths and weaknesses as a writer and my work habits
  • My learning philosophy 

If any additional information is required or anything needs to be ameliorated, my email is 

Thank You,

Adrienne Yap

301 Adrienne Yap Application letter

Letter of Application

1145 Inlet Street

Coquitlam, V3B 6E8


Sept, 17, 2019


ENGL 301 Classmates

University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4


Dear ENGL 301 Classmates,

My name is Adrienne and I’m a fifth year psychology student with a passion for creative writing. I’m excited to meet you all (digitally, that is) and I hope that what I outline in my letter of application will compliment some of your skills!

After I graduate, I hope to pursue a career in writing. My interests pertain mostly to profile writing and article writing, however, I am continually exploring this creative field. I would love to eventually work for a digital publication where I could explore topics of love and relationships, beauty, fascinating individuals, and self-exploration.

I am currently a writer for The Ubyssey, where I’ve been able to apply principles and practices I’ve learned in Creative Writing courses. Being a writer for The Ubyssey has encouraged me to explore my creative boundaries and craft pieces that are not only relevant and engaging, but concise. I’m also the newly appointed Social Media Manager for the AMS Vice Program which provides individuals struggling with technology, drug, and/or alcohol addiction with support and outreach. I was attracted to the position because within the past year, I’ve become fascinated with the unlimited creative potential and reach of digital media. In doing so, I’ve gained valuable skills in copywriting, basic graphic design, and marketing strategies.

I believe in putting your best foot forward, no matter the task. I am also very detailed-oriented; however, it can be to the point that it can hinder my work progress. I often find myself caught up in the minutiae of my own work, when in reality, simply completing a task can be greater than perfecting it.

I’m a very introspective and passionate individual. I’ve learned over the years, that filling your time with meaningful, purposeful work is important. Thus, my learning philosophy is to discover and appreciate the value that each program, lesson, or course offers.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to collaborating with you!


Adrienne Yap

301 Adrienne Yap Application letter


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