
Here are some great places to learn more about ocean conservation, sustainability, and how to get involved.


  1. Project Seahorse
    Run by Dr. Amanda Vincent and her team, Project Seahorse started out trying to study and protect seahorses, but they quickly realized they had to fix global ocean conservation issues before the seahorses could be safe.  Over many years the Project Seahorse has become one of the most well respected and effective marine conservation groups in the world.
  2. The IUCN Red List
    The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has become the world’s most comprehensive information source for the global extinction risk status of animal and plant species. This is a great resource to use to look up species you are curious about.
    Many species have yet to be evaluated, and they accept volunteers to help them with species evaluations! (You have to complete their rigorous training course first.)
  3. The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, at The University of British Columbia
    Stay up to date with research coming out of UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries!  UBC has some of the world’s leading marine conservation scientists.
  4. Prof. Amanda Vincent’s Twitter Feed
    If you are looking for a great Twitter feed, Prof. Amanda Vincent is a magnet for interesting marine sustainability content.
  5. My Twitter Feed!
    Slightly less cool: my Twitter feed! Full of many fun facts and key takeaways from our course.