Unit 2 Reflection: LinkedIn set up, Formal Report Proposal and Peer Review

The assignments that I accomplished in Unit 2 include LinkedIn Profile set up and Formal Report Proposal Outline.

Generally speaking, the assignments are not difficult to finish, but the process requires detailed planning and logical thinking. I enjoyed doing both projects.

LinkedIn Profile Setup 

The LinkedIn Profile setup was very interesting. Before completing this assignment, I have set up a LinkedIn Profile already, but I never realized that LinkedIn had far more functional purposes than I could have expected while doing the research on how to best use this professional social media. One of the most impressive tips is to like, comment and share some insights to your connection to let them know that I am actively trying to connect with my network. This will also increase the likelihood of my profile getting higher exposure to potential employers.

The LinkedIn peer review assignment was also very beneficial to me. My partner gave me helpful suggestions from an audience’s perspective so she could tell which part was confusing. For example, she mentioned that I had to clarify about my degree description after transferring my degree and improve on the tone to strengthen the professional manner.

Formal Report Proposal

The Formal Report Proposal requires a longer process to brainstorm. The flexibility of doing a research topic with my choice of interest is a motivation to do a long-term study. The process of deciding a topic was quick. It is happening at my workplace where I am having my placement, and that is what I am interested in. I received an email from Dr. Paterson. She showed her concern to me that my research topic was a great one but might be out of time for academic investigation.

After the peer review process, I have learnt that my writing skills is not professional enough for workplace yet. I looked at my partner’s profile and realized she had better description for education on LinkedIn: she transferred her major like I did and highlighted some courses as well as her active involvement at school. This provided me a direction and helped improve my overall LinkedIn outlook.

The peer review process impacted me to think more from the target audience’s perspective. For example, reading my LinkedIn from a student’s perspective is different from that of an employer actively looking for a new colleague. Sometimes I overlooked the importance of highlighting my experience from a professional manner and wrote from my own descriptive perspective. This assignment reminded me to always define my target audience clear.

Peer Review for my LinkedIn Profile (from Kathryn Simone)

Formal Report Outline (Revised)

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