The UBC Animal Justice Chapter (UBC AJ) is a student organization that works to educate law students about animal issues and advance legal protections for animals. With the support of Animal Justice and other student chapter members nationwide, our group provides interested students with the opportunity to learn more about animal law, as well as engage in advocacy both within and beyond the law school.
UBC AJ hosts numerous events throughout the school year. Our events last year included doing research-a-thons to support Animal Justice, partnering with the Allard Law Women’s Caucus to host a panel discussing the link between animal abuse and domestic violence, educational bake sales to raise funds and awareness about animal issues, and attending conferences held by Animal Justice and the Animal Legal Defense Fund. This year, we plan to utilize Zoom and other online platforms to hold our meetings and speaker events. We are also very excited that this is the first year that we will be offering an Animal Law Clinic through LSLAP.
What is animal law?
Animals are marginalized members of society. More and more law students and legal professionals are looking to use their degrees to protect and advance the interests of animals and to recognize that, despite animals’ legal categorization as “property,” there are special relationships between humans and animals that the law should account for.
Animal law is a combination of statutory and case law in which the nature – legal, social or biological – of nonhuman animals is an important factor. Animal law encompasses companion animals, wildlife, animals used in entertainment and animals raised for food and used in research. Animal law intersects with all traditional areas of the law – including tort, contract, criminal, and constitutional law.
Who is Animal Justice?
Animal Justice leads the legal fight for animals in Canada. Their lawyers work to pass strong new animal protection legislation, push for the prosecution of animal abusers, and fight for animals in court.
Students interested in joining UBC AJ should join our Facebook group and contact the chapter at

Eating Virtuous Pie (vegan pizza!) during a research-a-thon