Canadian Bar Association Mentorship Program

Dear Class of 2023,

My name is Chelsea Colwill, and I am the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) Representative on the Allard Law Careers Committee.

Allard Law’s Career Services Office and the CBA offer a mentorship program where students are matched with professionals in the legal community to foster a one-on-one mentor-mentee relationship. Your mentor is your go-to person when you have questions or concerns regarding transitioning from a law student to a professional. As I’m sure you’re already tired of hearing your 1L year is going to be a unique experience and, as such, it may be all the more meaningful to create a one-on-one relationship with a professional.

Your mentor has your best interest at heart and may invite you to events that are of interest to you, such as court hearings, tours of their firm, professional lunches, or coffee chats to discuss your career development. The advantage of the mentorship program is that it is meant to naturally fit in your schedule; you can reach out to your mentor when you have time and are in need of a chat or guidance, but there is also little pressure or time commitment if that’s what works best for you.

Last year, my peers and I greatly enjoyed the mentorship program and many of us are all still in-touch with our mentors for guidance. For me, this program was one the most rewarding experience of my 1L year. My mentor has been an exceptional resource for me and has been able to provide both industry insight and calm throughout the year. I strongly encourage each and every incoming student to sign up for the program, as it is a rare opportunity to be formally assigned a mentor who values and prioritizes your professional ambitions. A diverse array of lawyers register to be mentors and they work in a variety of areas of law. The program does its best to align students’ interests and identities with the practise area and background of their mentor.  Registration occurs in September and you and your mentor should be matched around October.

If you have any questions about mentorship, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at For now, enjoy your summer and look forward to an academic year that will be full of excitement, learning, and a wealth of new relationships!

Look forward to meeting you!

Chelsea Colwill

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