Hello 1Ls, I hope you’re enjoying the summer wherever you are, and I hope you’re excited for your upcoming year!
My name is Nick Huertas, I’m a second-year student at Allard and one of your future classmates. I was born in Colombia but grew up mostly in Calgary, so I was fresh to Vancouver for 1L. Your first year may look different than mine because of COVID-19, but what I quickly found out during 1L is that Allard is a community, and everyone wants to see you succeed.
1L was eventful, to say the least. Some of my favourite memories include attending the winter formal with friends, completing the first-year moot and getting to know the moot judges afterwards, and our small group’s end-of-year Zoom party once COVID pushed classes online. The entire community has been working hard to make sure that your first year will also be full of great memories and experiences.
The best way to have a good 1L experience is to get involved, and I encourage you to join some of Allard’s many clubs and organizations. In my first year, I was involved with LSLAP, the Social Justice Action Network, and I am one of this year’s UBC OutLaws co-presidents. These groups offer important skills, from hands-on legal work, to community organizing, to professional development, to meaningful connections. Most importantly, through these clubs I made many friends, learned a lot about the legal community, and found my place in it. I hope that you get to have that experience as well.
My most important piece of advice is: get to know your classmates. They’ll be a source of knowledge, support and companionship for the rest of your life. My second-most important piece of advice is time management. Yes, that paper or exam is important, but make sure to schedule some time for yourself. Go for a run, do some yoga, go on a date, or go watch that movie with friends! Your health and well-being is important, and we have many resources available at Allard to help you be your best self. Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out. Email that prof, or that lawyer, or the upper-year student. The legal community is just that—a community. There is a human on the other screen, and they too were once in your shoes. Keep reminding yourself; we are here to support you.
See you soon!

Proud Class Photo