Anthro Profiles

This anthropology profile project began with a desire to know more about my colleagues work here at UBC and has since expanded to also include the circle of anthropologists that I count among my friends and intellectual  fellow travelers.

In the star-centric world of late 20th century/early 21st century academics it is not uncommon for colleagues to know more about the work of a flashing star (whom they might never actually meet) then they know about the people they share office space with.  I count myself among that sorry lot and this small project is an attempt to counter the glitz of fashion.  While I can count stars among my colleagues and friends (or at least those whom I think should be) these profiles will make no distinction between journeyman and star.

I have selected one to three journal articles or book chapters written by anthropologists that I know and admire to focus on in these profiles.   The criteria for inclusion is that these should be  pieces that  shows the nature and scope of the author’s work particularly well or that they focuses on some aspect of the anthropologist’s work that others really should to pay attention to.  The list is idiosyncratic, but it reflects what engages me in my own work and that set examples for others to follow. The list is also in flux and in development.

I’ve collated my more general posts (including the individual profiles) here.

Individual profiles:

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