Hello fellow readers!
I’m Raphael and i’m from Montreal. I have been living in San Diego however, and have since learned English and gained a greater appreciation for all things arts! Arts one appears to be intensive but the work is to simply read! This idea, the idea of reading novels for homework, trumps any textbook-related assignments in my opinion. Anyways, I really began reading novels extensively over the summer, primarily focusing on Kurt Vonnegut and his crazy Sci-Fi journeys through society. I have not had a chance to read any of the books on the reading list so I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of older texts. Other things about me, I have two brother, and two dogs. I hate the beach despite living ten minutes away from it. I always wanted to grow up and become a vet but a few years the idea completely escaped me and I became obsessed with the prospect of being a lawyer. I hope that this class will help me build on critical reading skills by the shear volume of text we will digest, but also through the way in which we go about analyzing what we read. I believe that we will be approaching these novels from an angle that I have not been familiarized with. The idea of monsters being found within us is an interesting one, however I have yet to be persuaded towards this stance. I hope that our class discussion and immersion into the text will sway my view point towards that of a monstrous self, and if not that, than perhaps something simply different from what I had previously conceived.