Meeting start: 1:10 PM
Meeting adjourned: 2:00 PM
Chair: Eka, Mikale
Attendees: Eka Grguric, Mikale Fenton, Anna Ferri, Monica Swamiraj, Krista Parham, Matthew Murray, Samantha Mills, Hedda Monaghan
Meeting adjourned: 2:00 PM
Chair: Eka, Mikale
Attendees: Eka Grguric, Mikale Fenton, Anna Ferri, Monica Swamiraj, Krista Parham, Matthew Murray, Samantha Mills, Hedda Monaghan
1. Excel workshop
Sam and Mikale put together an Excel resource list on google docs for beginner level users. It can be used as a ready-reckoner during job interviews, at the job etc. Sam/Mikale will send the list to google group and Matthew will publish it to the blog.
(P.S: Sam already sent the list: document/d/ 1GhjPVjkdZhxeuUaLNHQYFo- dDLxzaAoMliZWKi65_14/edit)
Jeremy Buhler, Jonathan Kift, Jonathan Schatz will be interested in hosting a workshop for SLAIS students later on.
Matthew mentioned Google/Open Refine, which offers some neat features for cleaning up data including facets for non-numerical data.
2. Raspberry Pie for Raspberry pi
Krista (our new treasurer) will keep the proceedings from the bake sale and deposit them later. Krista, Stephanie and Eka will pie-sit the day of.
Why raspberry pi? We are building a robot to facilitate learning at SLAIS. Students can borrow from ASIS&T to do school projects. Matthew mentioned that Woodward has arduino kits to borrow.
(P.S: Event over! Krista sent an update on our collection: $188.90)
3. Elections!
Here’s the result of our elections:
Co-Chair: Hedda
Treasurer: Krista
Secretary: Monica
Web master/communications officer: Matthew
Matthew proposed a new position Chief Robot Officer (CRO) and nominated Stephanie. Everyone at the meeting liked the idea.
4. ASIS&T conference
This year at Seattle! We could car-pool to go south and come back. Cost for students would be around $150-200. We can arrange lodging with students at UofW through ALA/ASIS&T chapters. Students are welcome to submit paper/panels/workshops/ posters.
(P.S: Matthew forwarded the Call for papers for the conference)
5. Other business
a. Eka proposed organising “Coding meetups” on Monday nights where anyone can bring things to code. The idea is to keep it open so folks from HCI concentration/CS students can also join in.
General consensus was to have it later in the week, say Thursday. Eka will send an email to confirm.
b. Thursday (March 27) evening there is a Maker education meeting, Matthew and Sam are attending. We have received preliminary approval and now have a table at Maker Faire.
(P.S: Matthew forwarded the confirmation email to the group)
c. BCLA mixer is happening next Wednesday (April 2) night. Information will be posted on Twitter/Tumblr. Watch that space for an exciting opportunity network.
d. THAT camp is on April 5th. We could all go together from SLAIS.