Employee Satisfaction: The Importance of Company Culture

In order for a business to successfully function, it needs its employees to be as efficient as possible. The more passionate and committed an employee is, the better work they will produce. For companies, having a group of employees striving for the same goals and vision is essential. However, in 2012 this has become more difficult. According to the 2012 National Study on Balancing Work and Caregiving in Canada, over 60% of people work 45 hours a week, more than double the number worked 20 years ago. As well, only 23% of people are highly satisfied with their life. This is a significant problem for businesses. Employees are now working so often, that they are not taking pleasure in their work, and long to go home.  This means in order for a business to remain successful, they must enable employees to enjoy being at work more. The way to do this is through improving Company Culture (the overall work environment, including vision and values). If a business has a great company culture, then employees will more likely be happy to go into work. For example, companies such as Google and Zappos have created such great work environments and cultures, that employees are generally happy to be working.  It is essential in a time where only one fourth of people are satisfied with their life, to create a great work environment and company culture.

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