UBC-DIBS Behavioural Insights Seminar
Friday, Sept. 9, 10-11am PT
Register to attend on Zoom at https://bit.ly/DIBS-seminar

Risky but Alluring:
Severe COVID-19 Pandemic Influence Increases Risk Taking
Claire Tsai
Professor of Marketing, University of Toronto Rotman School of Management,
& Co-Founder of Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR)
We examined how the COVID-19 influenced people’s general risk attitude in their daily lives. Across four studies, individuals who were severely affected by the pandemic showed higher risk taking toward a variety of risky activities. We attributed this to elevated boredom levels and increased perceived benefits from taking risks. Our findings shed light on the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, decision under risk, the role of perceived benefits of risk taking, and effective policy interventions.
The UBC-DIBS Behavioural Insights Seminar series features researchers and practitioners sharing their field and lab projects using the behavioural and decision sciences to “nudge for good”. To subscribe or unsubscribe, email dibs@sauder.ubc.ca.