UBC-DIBS Behavioural Insights Seminar
Friday, May 12, 10-11am PT
Register to attend on Zoom at https://bit.ly/DIBS-seminar

Sustainable Health Equity for Patients, Public, & Planet
Dr. Brittany Bingham & Dr. Andrea MacNeill
Vancouver Coastal Health
Climate and ecological breakdown pose an unprecedented threat to human health, the effects of which are distributed unequally across populations and geography. Health systems must adapt to this increasing burden of disease while simultaneously addressing their contribution to global environmental degradation and systemic inequality. There is now a global movement toward reimagining low-carbon, sustainable, resilient, equitable health systems that promote population health and protect ecosystems. Learn about the current state of sustainable health systems, the role of behavioural insights in driving appropriate care, and the need for an equity-informed approach to health system transformation.
The UBC-DIBS Behavioural Insights Seminar series features researchers and practitioners sharing their field and lab projects using the behavioural and decision sciences to “nudge for good”. Recordings of past seminars are available on the BI wiki here. To subscribe or unsubscribe, email dibs@sauder.ubc.ca.