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Calling DIBS Ep 82: An Introduction to Mixed Methods

Rhiannon Mosher defines qualitative methods and walks through the benefits of mixing methods at each stage of a BI project from scoping to scaling […]

Listen to Episode 82: “An Introduction to Mixed Methods (Part 1)” with Rhiannon Mosher, Human-Centred Design Researcher with the Behavioural Science Office within the Public Health Agency of Canada.
(39 minutes; posted May 29, 2024)

Rhiannon Mosher returns to the podcast for a two-episode series about mixed-methods approaches. In this first episode, Rhiannon defines qualitative methods, shares examples of qualitative techniques, and explains the importance of doing them well. She also walks through the benefits of mixing methods at each stage of a BI project from scoping to scaling. For further learning, she recommends Sam Ladner’s Mixed Methods.

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