“You’re too white to be Chinese!”

I have my own voice and that voice is very, very, very unique.

Peggy Chau 周柏蕙 (she/her)

Imagine that you are simply a human trying to authentically identify with your cultural heritage; but for various reasons, the environment around you places barriers that prevent you from exercising agency and authentically accepting and acting out that identity. This is a common experience for biracial/multiracial people who are often gatekept from identifying with any combination of their cultural identities. They are always too much of one, and not enough of the other…and which one they are too much or not enough of changes constantly depending on which cultural group they talk to. This severely impacts biracial/multiracial folks’ self-confidence, preventing them from finding a cultural voice with which they are most comfortable. Peggy speaks with someone who has dealt with these identity issues throughout her life, and we get a glimpse into how she navigated her identity quandary to be the culturally confident individual that she is today.

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