Claudia Chung's Blog

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Volkswagen Beetle: Think Small (3)

February 3rd, 2011 by Claudia Chung

As learned in class, marketing evolved throughout the century. I came across a very well written article on Business Journal, which highlights one of the most ingenious post World War II campaigns.

Titled “Volkswagen ad campaign was far from a lemon,” Business Journal wrote about how Volkswagen was a step ahead of the game and how their Beetle Ad changed ‘marketing’ as a whole. The Beetle was viewed to be an unattractive car that was manufactured in a plant built by the Nazis in Germany. Everything about this car screamed “DO NOT BUY!” Contradictory to the era why would consumers buy such small car that would not be enough to hold their rapidly growing families, when there are readily available big cars in the market? Volkswagen had to win consumers hearts.

Volkswagen Beetle ad campaign moved away from the typical boring, information based advertisement which lacked creativity. Their simple ads were able to capture consumers on the emotional level while at the same time express the benefits of a product in a way those consumers can relate to.

— Not exactly related to what I was writing about. But Volkswagen just came out with a new commercial for Superbowl!! Extremely cute!

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