What I have learned about myself from comm299

I have learned many things about myself from career fundamentals. I learned a lot of my bad habits during my interview with Phillepe. He told me how to improve on things, such as posture and friendly body language. I now know how to present myself more professionally and feel I will have greater success in the future with interviews. The most important thing i learned about myself is that I do not have a clear idea about which path to take in terms of my career. After attending Meinc. and learning about the importance of finding a job that you are passionate about, I realize that I have to take a lot of time in researching(information interviews, wetfeet, etc.) all potential career options before choosing one.  Choosing the occupation you want is not a overnight decision and should not be a hasty decision. You are going to be in your occupation for many years, and it crucial that you choose something you are passionate about and not just something that makes a lot of money but you hate. Do not choose your career path based on your friends, your career is yours and no one can tell you what to do. Experiment with different types of jobs and eventually you will find your dream job.

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